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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But the tipping point came when someone who I thought I admired started announcing to me in 140 characters or less that Marvin Gaye was overrated. Pathetic, I know, but the mere fact I'd allowed myself to get annoyed by something so petty only hardened my conviction. It was obvious that I was the only one making myself angry. So I decided the best option was not to look, and cancelled my account. And then I just kept going. This need to wipe the slate clean, to de-clutter â?? or at least de-complicate â?? my life, took over. I needed a holiday from the world of stuff. So I decided on a very literal form of regressive therapy: I was going to go offline, to see if I could last a week without looking at a website or checking my email; to somehow re-connect by disconnecting.
For many westerners, Hitler remains history's ultimate evil. In India, awareness of the Holocaust is limited. Characters in Bollywood films jokingly refer to bossy family members as "Hitler" â?? provoking a sharp intake of breath from many western viewers, who associate Hitler with crimes significantly worse than telling you to do your chores. In 2006, a Nazi-themed cafe opened in Mumbai with the name Hitler's Cross. Bollywood actor Murli Sharma attended the launch party. Asked whether he found the name troublesome, he said: "I am not really agitated as I have not read much about the man. However, from what I know about Hitler, I find this name rather amusing."
What about character and story? The characters are there in the non-fiction accounts, fully realised in flesh and (often awash in) blood, in the way that we expect fictional characters to be. Lawrence Wright has spoken of how, in the process of researching the 9/11 attacks, he came to realise that certain people could serve as "donkeys" who bore the weight of larger historical drives or circumstances. Part of the success of The Looming Tower derives from the way that these donkeys are presented as complex and developing individuals, never simply as beasts of narrative burden. And while their destinies fatefully converge on the twin towers in a way that is almost novelistic, the book's suspense and momentum do not reduce the idea of narrative to page-turning compulsion.
The series Generation Kill is, along with everything else, a sustained critique of the structural and conventional fictions of The Hurt Locker. Taking no liberties with the facts of Wright's account, it follows a convoy of US marines as they make their way from Kuwait to Baghdad. Certain characters have more screen-time than others but there are no heroes. As in a platoon, everything comes down to teamwork and ensemble playing. The action is never contrived to assume the shape imposed by the demands of a good story. This is one of the reasons why, ultimately, the immersion in the experience of war is more complete than in The Hurt Locker. Despite their expertise and marksmanship, the extent to which the marines control their own destinies is minimal; it pretty much ended, in fact, before the series began, when they signed up. From the start we are sealed within the acronym-intensive argot and worldview of the USMC. Our point of view is absolutely that of the marines. The lessons dished out by their experiences are never moralistic but, as the situation deteriorates around them, the larger ethical and strategic impossibility of their position and purpose becomes unavoidable. We are back to the quandary observed by Finkel in The Good Soldiers. We are also back, more generally, to the relative strengths of non-fiction over fiction. Of course one could easily imagine a novelist doing without any of the liberties enjoyed by Bigelow â?? but we would be left, then, with a novel that was almost a carbon copy of the best of these non-fiction books. For the assumed skills of the novelist â?? an eye for telling detail, stylistic flair and so on â?? are deployed in abundance by many of these reporters, at least the ones who are (there's no dodging this bullet) American.
In the larger scheme of Krakauer's book it's a fairly minor point, but the Christian commander turns out to be none other than Ralph Kauzlarich, the enormously sympathetic central character â?? the donkey carrying the heaviest load â?? in Finkel's The Good Soldiers. Just as characters interconnect with each other within a novel, so these non-fiction books and real-life characters interconnect with each other to form an epic, ongoing, multi-volume work in progress.
There is a quietness to Hall, and to her acting. Perhaps the most obvious example is Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Whereas Pen?©lope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson burned up the screen, Hall made her impact with a sober intensity. It may be the stage of her career, but often you remember her characters by their relationship to others. So in Starter For 10 she's the bright girl who eventually gets James McAvoy's studious geek, in Frost/Nixon she's Michael Sheen's jet-set girlfriend, and in Einstein And Eddington she's David Tennant's devoted sister. Even when Hall does shocking, she does it with subtlety, notably in Red Riding, in which she plays the traumatised mother of a missing girl seeking solace in casual sex; last weekend, that performance won her a TV Bafta.
It's funny how her characters seem so removed from the world in which she grew up. Sir Peter Hall, her father, is the theatre director who started the Royal Shakespeare Company, her mother the opera soprano Maria Ewing. By the time she was five, they had separated. Back then, her father was always getting married and divorced, and it was time to move on to wife number four; Ewing became, and remained, a single mother.
For many westerners, Hitler remains history's ultimate evil. In India, awareness of the Holocaust is limited. Characters in Bollywood films jokingly refer to bossy family members as "Hitler" â?? provoking a sharp intake of breath from many western viewers, who associate Hitler with crimes significantly worse than telling you to do your chores. In 2006, a Nazi-themed cafe opened in Mumbai with the name Hitler's Cross. Bollywood actor Murli Sharma attended the launch party. Asked whether he found the name troublesome, he said: "I am not really agitated as I have not read much about the man. However, from what I know about Hitler, I find this name rather amusing."
The Privileges, unlike Union Atlantic, defies many expectations of what this kind of novel should be. Although its characters are massively wealthy, Dee doesn't seem very interested in the process of money-making. Unlike in Union Atlantic, there are few discussions of the banking system; the wider context of Adam's job is practically invisible. The characters inhabit a universe in which 9/11 doesn't seem to have taken place and in which public events are never discussed. Theirs is a relentlessly private world, in which only their inner thoughts and feelings about each other are â?? to borrow a word â?? privileged.
The school itself, by ordinary standards, was not good enough either â?? a failing comprehensive (it has since become the West London Academy). But Mohammad has not a word to say against it. He was tremendously helped there by his head of year, a maths teacher, Ben Samuel (one of the few characters in the narrative granted a name), who "found me a desktop computer". Samuel arranged for him to sit an ICT GNVQ exam, against the advice of the ICT teacher. Mohammad says: "I put my heart and soul into it and, to my own shock and surprise, got a distinction." It was his first success â?? and he went on to complete his GCSEs in an intensive, single year.

Because I know the characters, and they me where the story goes.
Bo znam głównych bohaterów i to oni poprowadzą opowieść.

As I was saying, where are all these characters going?
Jak już mówiłem, dokąd te postaci płyną?.

Maybe you could name one of the characters after me.
Może mógłbyś nazwać jedną z bohaterek moim imieniem?

Do you really feel alone like the characters in your story?
Naprawdę czujesz się taki samotny jak bohater twojego opowiadania?

We really get the sense that the characters are moving toward something.
Naprawdę zaczynamy odczuwać, że bohaterowie zbliżają się do czegoś.

She was one of those characters that are always around when things happen.
Ona jest jedną z tych osób, które zawsze są tam gdzie się coś dzieje.

One of the characters has to use it in the scene.
Jedna z postaci musi użyć go na planie.

I bet he's just like the characters in his books.
Twój ojciec jest jak bohater z jego książki.

Look, we got four or five of the main characters on this ship.
Słuchaj, na tym statku są cztery z pięciu głównych bohaterów.

And get this: claims the characters were talking back to him.
I zrozum to: żąda praw do postaci gdy właśnie rozmawiamy z nim.

My characters will have, after a little bit of trouble, all that they desire.
Moi bohaterowie, po niejakich trudach, dostaną wszystko to, czego pragną.

If you like the characters, you're more likely to tune in next week.
Jeśli lubicie postacie, to prawdopodobnie będziecie oglądać je za tydzień.

I just think it's a good way of keeping these characters alive.
Myślę tylko, że to jest dobry sposób, aby utrzymać bohaterów przy życiu.

The characters are from our language, but these aren't words. They're just fragments.
Znaki pochodzą z naszego języka, ale to nie słowa, a jedynie fragmenty.

Otherwise, you'll never be in touch with any characters you're playing.
W przeciwnym razie nigdy nie będziemy w kontakcie potrzebny jest charakter.

Say hello to the characters on public transportation for me.
Pozdrów ode mnie charaktery w środkach transportu publicznego.

This guy isn't one of your comic book characters, Mark.
Ten facet nie jest jednym z komiksowych czarnych charakterów, Mark.

I don't know, some weird characters in our brain take over.
Trudno powiedzieć, jakieś dziwne postaci w naszych głowach przejmują kontrolę.

We find all the characters assembled at a family gathering.
Widzimy wszystkie postacie zebrane na rodzinnym zgromadzeniu.

These come in the shapes of your favorite Christmas characters.
A te są w kształcie ulubionych postaci Gwiazdkowych.

We are not supporting characters in the fascinating story of your life.
Nie jesteśmy drugoplanowymi aktorkami w twoim ekscytującym życiu.

All the characters gather in one room to tell horror stories to each other?
Wszyscy bochaterowie zgromadzeni w jednym pokoju, opowiadający sobie nawzajem straszne opowieści?

You've all been working on your characters, each with his own slant.
Zawsze pracowałeś nad swoimi postaciami, każda z nich miała swój własny punkt widzenia.

We are your characters and we've come into your world.
Jesteśmy twoim bohaterami i weszliśmy do twojego świata.

When the characters first come on stage, each speaks a poem.
Kiedy na scenie pojawia się nowa postać, wygłasza jakiś poemat.

After all these years, I still remember the characters.
Tyle lat minęło, a ja wciąż pamiętam te postaci.

So, you play a lot of characters at once?
Więc, grasz wieloma postaciami jednocześnie?

All the characters wake up one morning and they've got tails.
Wszyscy bohaterowie budzą się rano i mają ogony.

The English translation of the characters are love and prosperity.
Angielskie odpowiedniki tych znaków to miłość i dobrobyt.

But you're just like the characters in the stories.
Ale ty jesteś dokładnie taka jak w książkowych opowieściach.

Let's say there are more margarines than characters on your show.
Powiedzmy, że jest więcej margaryny, niż postaci w twoim programie telewizyjnym.

You can see how the shape of these characters reflect their meanings.
Widzicie, jak kształt tych znaków odzwierciedla ich znaczenie.

More people calling in about their characters getting killed.
To dziwne! Więcej ludzi dzwoni w związku ze śmiercią swoich postaci...

There are no mystic characters left in his old cell!
W jego celi nie ma już mistycznych znaków na ścianach.

Then periodically returned to the end times that gives more different characters perspective.
Wtedy okresowo wrócił do czasów końca to daje bardziej inną perspektywę charakterów.

But it's the characters that you actually write about.
Ale te postacie, o których teraz piszesz.

She's one of the great characters in Western literature.
Jest jedną z wielkich postaci w zachodniej literaturze.

Are you based the animal characters on your friends?
To moi przyjaciele. charakter zwierząt opiera pani na swoich przyjaciołach?

Cause they use Chinese characters a lot in that line,
To przez to, że w tej profesji używają sporo chińskiego...

I find characters from another chapter of my life intruding.
Odnajduję postacie wkraczające z innego rozdziału mego życia!

All the imaginary characters in the tape were identified, sir.
Wszystkie wyimaginowane postacie na taśmie zostały zidentyfikowane, sir...

Do you really have as little faith as the characters in your books?
Naprawdę posiadasz tak mało wiary, jak bohaterowie twoich książek?

These characters all seem to be connected by love.
Wszyscy Ci bohaterowie mają miłość jako wspólny mianownik.

We may be up against some very desperate characters.
Możemy mieć do czynienia z jakimiś bardzo zdesperowanymi indywiduami.

Everything they did together sexually... was exactly like the characters in the book.
Gdy się spotkali ich życie potoczyło się dokładnie jak tych bohaterów w książce.

You all have interesting characters but some of them are all hidden.
Wszystkie macie interesujące osobowości, ale niektóre z nich są ukryte.

But redesigning all those characters at this stage would be way too expensive.
Ale przeprojektowanie tych postaci na tym etapie byłoby zbyt drogie.

Michael, you know that your friends are cartoon characters?
Twoi przyjaciele to postaci z kreskówek.

As developed, it comments both on the creature and other characters' reactions to him.
W końcu staje się komentarzem na temat potwora oraz reakcji na niego innych postaci.

And I think when we started, we just tried to do family characters, but they were a bit more intelligent.
And I think when we started, we just tried to do family characters, but they were a bit more intelligent.