Słownik medyczny angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler

cementujący adj

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

dosł. i przen. cementowanie

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

cementowanie; klejenie; scementowanie
~ of forces - przen. scementowanie sił

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

In the face of withering Republican attacks â?? which has seen them promising to repeal almost everything Obama has done â?? the Democrats are facing sinking polls and staring disaster in the face in mid-term congressional elections in November There is little talk of celebrating Obama's achievements and cementing his authority. Instead, it has become a grim battle for survival, with experts predicting a swath of Republican gains that will give them control of the House of Representatives and could even see them win back the Senate.
It's a problem that's become more urgent given the release of Edgar Wright's dinkily spectacular Scott Pilgrim Vs the World, its popularity only cementing that of Cera as its star. In the movie culture of summer 2010, he is ubiquitous. So the fact that he's started to bring me out in hives is that much more of a headache, given I was already troubled over why I might have developed an aversion to such a gifted and affable comic talent. Danny, I tell myself, snap out of it â?? how can you not like Michael Cera? This was George Michael. Think of his little face. It's like taking exception to a sneezing baby panda.
"After months of extensive operations, planning and execution under the direction and authority of the US government science and engineering teams, BP has successfully completed the relief well by intersecting and cementing the well nearly 18,000ft [3.4 miles] below the surface," Allen added.
"The story of the blowout does not turn solely on the quality of the Macondo cement job. Cementing wells is a complex endeavour and industry figures inform us that cementing failures are not uncommon in the best of circumstances," he wrote.
The shadow education secretary, Andy Burnham, said the white paper was geared towards academic qualifications and not students who would choose vocational subjects. "Your overall drive is towards a two-tier education system," said Burnham. "I support your focus on maths, English and science, where take-up has more than doubled since 2004. But, by making the entire focus on five academic subjects, aren't you encouraging schools to focus on those children with a chance of achieving this particular batch of GCSEs? Isn't there a huge danger here of cementing the divide between academic and vocational qualifications that educational professionals have worked so hard to remove?"

At the same time, of course, our major competitors are cementing their links with individual countries in the region, one after another.
W tym samym czasie nasi główni konkurenci umacniają więzi z poszczególnymi krajami w regionie, jeden po drugim.

The agreement on partnership and cooperation is a key document for cementing our relationship with Russia.
Umowa o partnerstwie i współpracy jest podstawowym dokumentem umacniającym nasze związki z Rosją.

As a means of cementing a lasting peace and promoting the ideals to which we are all committed, I support Mr Belder's report.
Popieram sprawozdanie pana posła Beldera jako środek utrwalania pokoju i propagowania ideałów, które wszyscy wyznajemy.

However, Nabucco is 'cementing' relations between the people involved in this venture, establishing a strategic link between the European Union and Turkey.
Jednak Nabucco "cementuje” relacje pomiędzy krajami uczestniczącymi w tym przedsięwzięciu, tworząc strategiczny związek między Unią Europejską a Turcją.