Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) celtycki;
celtic tiger - tygrys celtycki;
the celtic fringe - (Noun) obszary Wielkiej Brytanii zamieszkane przez ludność pochodzenia celtyckiego;
celtic cross - krzyż celtycki;
celtic cross - krzyż celtycki;

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Uniwersalny słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Andrzej Kaznowski)

adj celtycki

Słownik internautów

język celtycki

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. celtycki

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Not a metaphorical one, the way we use it today, but a literal magic spell associated with witches and gypsies and to some extent, Celtic magic.
Nie w znaczenieu metaforycznym, takim, w jakim używamy go dzisiaj, ale jako dosłownie magiczne zaklęcie związane z wiedźmami i cyganami oraz, do pewnego stopnia, z celtycką magią.


Every Celtic supporter's dread materialised like a mugger out of a doorway in a Scottish Cup semi-final which would leave them feeling violated almost beyond recovery. Ross County's progress to the final with goals from Steven Craig and Martin Scott brought an ignominious end to a season that has been one long embarrassment, but the victory was utterly merited by a First Division side who were emphatically the better team from first whistle to last.
Their manager, Derek Adams, clearly prepared and deployed his players immaculately, the fluency and speed of their movement and crispness of their tackling and passing quite unanswerable by a Celtic team whose caretaker manager, Neil Lennon, may have seen his prospects of a permanent appointment evaporate under an unusually dazzling sun.
Even if the winners were freely available at 12-1 before the kick-off, however, the result had been anticipated by a substantial number of Celtic fans, who had feared that their decline under the recently dismissed Tony Mowbray had rendered them vulnerable to the kind of Cup reversal they had suffered in the past decade against Inverness Caledonian Thistle and Clyde.
If they took risks by playing so high up the field that the likes of Robbie Keane could sense the possibility of exploiting space behind their defenders, they also seemed to realise from early in the match that Celtic had not the imagination or the execution to provide the Republic of Ireland striker with the service he craved. Unsurprisingly, it would be the out-of-towners who would pose the first threat, even if it did appear inadvertent. A Scott Morrison cross from the left appeared to be off target until the ball was suddenly dipping and threatening to drop under the crossbar, forcing Lukasz Zaluska to leap quickly and push it over.
In contrast, it took Celtic almost half an hour to deliver anything remotely promising, when Aiden McGeady pushed through the middle and supplied Georgios Samaras in good space on the left. The big forward's cross, however, was easily cleared by Alex Keddie, the County defender utterly without a challenge as he made the header.
By the time Craig gave the Dingwall side the lead early in the second half, even the most contrary of Celtic fans would have conceded that it was the least they deserved. A typically weak header from Lee Naylor in the left-back position went straight to Craig, who simply bolted towards goal.
Even with at least 35 minutes remaining, it was not difficult to suspect that it would be enough to take County into the final at the expense of a Celtic side lacking the wit, the spirit and the talent to avoid the disgrace.
Most clubs pursuing World Cup players tried to get deals done before the finals, rather than risk prices being inflated afterwards, although not everyone was as successful as Manchester United, who signed Javier Hern??ndez before he scored two goals for Mexico in South Africa. One of Hern??ndez's team-mates, Pablo Barrera, was available for as little as Â?1.9m in May but his valuation was hiked to nearer Â?4.5m in the space of a few weeks as Everton, Celtic and a host of European clubs competed with West Ham for the winger's signature.
Bryan Josh remembers that era only too well. He formed Mostly Autumn in 1995. With respect to the members of Gypp â?? clomping around the Marquee stage in their clogs on the nights said venue wasn't being headlined by the Jam or 999 â?? the height of Britpop may have been the worst point in musical history to launch a prog band with Celtic folk overtones and a fondness for releasing albums inspired by The Lord of the Rings. "People enjoyed what we were doing from the off," Josh says. "But we were just playing in pubs. For a while, there was a lot of dreadful progressive music out there. People ripping off the wrong bits of Genesis. The thing about Genesis, they wrote songs, they had spirit, but people watered it down, they missed the point, it got a bad name and it almost disappeared. They'd take the bit where Genesis maybe went off on a tangent which was relevant to the song itself, but forget the song. You'd get the tangent without having the spirit and the body of a song to work from. People were just emulating riffs, thinking they were clever because they were doing a 9/8 time change, noodling around on a load of classic Moogs or whatever. It bores a lot of people to tears. I heard a lot of that."
Although it had its origins in African sounds, mento also bore the influence of European and especially Celtic music, because slaves who could play musical instruments were sometimes required to entertain their masters. The essential mento instruments were the banjo, the rumba box, the bongo and the saxophone, and the songs they played were often bawdy tales about sex and excess â?? which perhaps explains why Flynn was such as fan.

How does he know all about Celtic symbols and druids?
Skąd on wie wszystko o symbolach celtyckich i druidach?

It's an obsolete Celtic text used by secret societies in the mid-19th century.
To celtycki tekst używany przez tajne stowarzyszenia w wieku.

You just don't have the requisite Celtic soul, man.
Ty po prostu nie masz celtyckiej duszy, człowieku.

Ancient Celtic druids would usually choose a large, older tree in a grove.
Starożytni, celtyccy druidzi zwykle wybierali wielkie, stare drzewo w gaju.

Is or is not the Celtic Sea to be included in a recovery plan?
Czy Morze Celtyckie ma być objęte planem odnowienia zasobów dorsza, czy też nie?

Celtic term for one whose nose is bent.
Starożytny termin celtycki oznaczający ten który ma zagięty nos.

In Celtic religion, Stonehenge was a temple to the god of healing.
W Religi Celtyckiej, Stonehenge był świątynią Boga uzdrawiania.

No, the Celtic scum can have his land as far as I'm concerned.
Nie, celtycki szumowina może mieć swoją ziemię jeśli o mnie chodzi.

The Celtic druids were close to nature.
Celtyccy druidzi byli blisko z naturą.

The Celtic tapestry was a gift from the lord of Glyndyfrdwy in 1387.
Ten celtycki arras był darem od lorda Glyndyfrdwy... ...z 1387 roku.

A legend from the Celtic past.
Legendy z celtyckiej przeszłości.

It dates back to an ancient Celtic ritual of celebrating Samhain.
Zaczęły się w czasach starożytnego celtyckiego rytuału święta Samhain.

You know, these markings resemble ancient Celtic.
Niektóre z tych znaków przypominają starożytne celtyckie symbole.

In the case of the Celtic Sea, the situation is somewhat better but still the state of this stock is far from good.
W przypadku Morza Celtyckiego sytuacja jest nieco lepsza, lecz stan zasobów w tym morzu nadal odbiega od dobrego.

Camulus, Celtic god of war.
To Camulus, celtycki bóg wojny.

It's an old Celtic ballad.
Stara celtycka ballada.

Spiegel Online writes 'The Celtic Tiger has been taken into intensive care'.
"Spiegel Online” pisze "Celtycki tygrys trafił na oddział intensywnej terapii”.

Back when it was the Ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain...
Kiedy odbywał się Starożytny Celtycki Festiwal Samhain...

This vote is quite simply a fine tombstone, topped by a Celtic cross, for the prospect of a European superstate which our populations so dislike.
To głosowanie jest po prostu ładnym nagrobkiem, na którym postawiono celtycki krzyż, dla perspektywy europejskiego superpaństwa, którego nasze społeczeństwa tak nie lubią.

This King Artognou, Arthur, he knew the sword by its Celtic name - Caliburn.
w król Artognou... Arthur, znał miecz pod jego celtyckim mianem - Caliburn.

The Celtic Sea has been included in the recovery plan because new evaluations indicate that cod stocks are also being overexploited there and are in a poor state.
Planem odnowienia objęto także Morze Celtyckie, gdyż oceny wskazują na nadmierną eksploatację zasobów dorsza na tym obszarze i ich słaby stan.

Welcome back to Glasgow, Scotland, where Manchester United... ...leads 3- 1 over hometown Celtic.
Wracamy do Glasgow w Szkocji, gdzie Manchester United... Prowadzi 3-1 z Glasgow Celtics.

Until 2007, the rest of Europe was amazed at the economic development of Ireland, the 'Celtic Tiger', which achieved dream economic data with low corporation taxes and little regulation.
Do 2007 roku reszta Europy patrzyła z podziwem na rozwój gospodarczy Irlandii - "celtyckiego tygrysa”, który osiągał wymarzone wyniki gospodarcze przy niskich podatkach od przedsiębiorstw i niewielkiej liczbie regulacji.

Three out of the four legs under the Celtic Tiger were provided as a result of the Structural Funds, the Cohesion Fund and other funding from the European Union.
Trzy z czterech nóg tygrysa celtyckiego zostały dostarczone przez fundusze strukturalne, fundusz spójności i inne fundusze Unii Europejskiej.

Yet the latest maps on the Arc Manche region change the name of the English Channel to the 'Greater North Sea' and call the Bristol Channel the 'Celtic Sea'.
Mimo to najnowsze mapy regionu Arc Manche zmieniają nazwę Kanału Angielskiego na Wielkie Morze Północne i nazywają Kanał Bristolski Morzem Celtyckim.

Concerning the Celtic Sea, to which Mrs Doyle made reference, it is true that ICES says that the state of the stock is somewhat better than in the other seas.
W kwestii dotyczącej Morza Celtyckiego, do której nawiązała pani poseł Doyle, to prawda, że ICES mówi o nieco lepszym stanie zasobów dorsza niż w wodach innych mórz.

I am also pleased that Parliament agrees on the need for recruiting the Celtic Sea as well as on the need for important cuts in fishing mortality through TAC and effort reductions.
Cieszy mnie także, że Parlament zgadza się co do potrzeby uwzględnienia Morza Celtyckiego oraz znacznego ograniczenia śmiertelności połowowej za pomocą TAC i zmniejszenia nakładów połowowych.