Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Katarzyna

Słownik religii angielsko-polski

Katarzyna f pr

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

By 1995, 23-year-old Catherine Alaniz had tried her level best to recover from her husband's death in the 1991 Gulf War. When Andy Alaniz was killed by "friendly fire" on the day of the ceasefire in Iraq (which the Pentagon initially denied), Catherine, aged only 19, had been six months pregnant with her daughter, whom she called Andee. Inevitably, her mother Sharon and father Claude, a US customs agent, had been bedrocks of strength for the young widow.
On the morning of 19 April Catherine took a call: "Did you feel that?" There had been an "explosion downtown": the caller mentioned the federal courthouse. "My dad worked downtown," Catherine recalls thinking, with a shudder. "I called his office number, but it was switched through to Houston, like happens at night, even though it was after 9am." Catherine rushed to her parents' house, to find "my mom sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth with the phone in her hand, waiting for my dad to call. I sat down next to her, wrapped my arms around her and I told her, 'Dad is going to be OK. God wouldn't do this to both of us.'"
For Catherine Alaniz, the trial was at times too much: "McVeigh sitting there, smirking at us, and we not being allowed to cry, show emotion or wear buttons and ribbons", in guidance from the judge. "Sometimes I had to leave the courtroom. But I stayed on in Denver with Mom and got involved in a local Catholic church, making hundreds of ham and cheese sandwiches for the homeless. And they had a programme visiting people dying of Aids, and I met a man, a Hispanic man, who was dying and I hugged him and he said he hadn't been hugged for years â?? it turned out he was from Oklahoma City." Of course, there was also downtime for the bereaved families to talk: with each other, with survivors and with those who had rescued them.
Ready to do so, and on the plane back to Denver for the Nichols trial, a young lady two rows ahead of Simonds was trying to get volunteers for a Christmas party for the homeless being organised by a church near the courthouse. "I thought she'd never stop," recalls Simonds. "What about some of you officers helping out?" suggested the young woman. "Next day," recalls the police officer, we went to a teahouse, and the same lady told me, 'We'll make sure you get to do your testimony', and I did." There was something about her, thought Officer Simonds, and the feeling was mutual. Her name was Catherine Alaniz, now Simonds: the rescue cop had met the woman he would before long make his wife.
The aftermaths of outrages such as 9/11, Beslan or Srebrenica are characterised by grating and grated nerves â?? friction, even â?? between the differently traumatised bereaved, survivors and rescue workers. The different wounds cut so deep, and so unforgivingly to the individuals affected, that often these constituencies, though bonded by the same horror, are as divided as they are united by raw emotion and grievous loss. "It wasn't easy at first," says Catherine Simonds, "People would say to me, 'Well, I lost a child', and I'd think, 'Well, my dad was my grandma's baby.'" Almost uniquely, Oklahoma has suceeded in bringing these people together into what Rashell Hammons, the mother of children who survived â?? faced by those whose children did not â?? calls "an extended family". This is a far more formidable and singular achievement than it will appear when the bereaved, survivors and rescue workers gather together tomorrow week, and it did not happen by accident.
The anniversary commemorations are held at the Oklahoma National Memorial, a place most of the bereaved and survivors say they love, and in which they feel at home, helped, comforted if not healed. "I love it," says Catherine Simonds, "it is very, very beautiful." In a time such as ours of much thought and debate over what memorials and monuments should represent and achieve, this site sets a gold standard. It is unrivalled anywhere. The Oklahoma memorial is in part set on the gaping space left by the Murrah building, but includes some of its jagged, incinerated walls. There are 168 empty bronze chairs set on a lawn, each engraved with a name, their bases illuminated during darkness, so that the chairs of the dead float on beacons of light. At either end are huge "Gates of Time" marking 9.01, the last moment of the city's innocence, and 9.03, "the moment we were changed forever", says the guidebook. This place is always open, and the bereaved come often, as do survivors â?? there is always someone to tell their story to a visitor. Passing teenagers instinctively switch off their boom boxes; the 24-hour toilets are always clean. "It's not a cemetery, where people come to mourn, it is a place to remember and to learn," says director Kari Watkins. "A memorial should be beautiful, it should be a place that's always open, 24 hours, at its best for anyone who lost a family member, or even just those passing on I-40 who come by to look." The space is quite a lesson to post-9/11 New York, whose memorial committees have serially visited.
And there, standing at a distance from the others, is the chair in honour of customs agent Claude Arthur Medearis, for whose daughter the bomb was a very different kind of fire from that which killed her first husband â?? though also from an American military man. "My husband had driven a Bradley military vehicle in the Gulf war," says Catherine Simonds. "Timothy McVeigh also drove a Bradley vehicle in the Gulf war. My husband died, but McVeigh lived. Then he came to Oklahoma City four years later and killed my dad. What am I supposed to think about that?"
Catherine Zeta Jones, who made the leap from Darling Buds of May sweetheart to Hollywood star, leads the field, receiving a CBE for her services to the film industry and charity. Sophie Okonedo, nominated for an Oscar in Hotel Rwanda, receives an OBE.
Four executive producers will oversee the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic games. As well as Daldry, Hamish Hamilton â?? best known for his direction of live TV events â?? will be executive producer, broadcast; Mark Fisher â?? who has staged every Rolling Stones show since 1989 â?? will be executive producer, design; and Catherine Ugwu, producer of the 2002 Manchester Commonwealth games, will be executive producer, production.
Laurent stars as a gifted violinist in a new film, The Concert, which is due to be released this Friday. To be honest, it is M?©lanie Laurent who single-handedly saves this film from being a complete washout: she is a natural film star, and those qualities that brought her to Tarantino's attention are conspicuous here. She has a cool, reserved intelligence, a sense of self-possession, a way of dominating the screen by doing little or nothing, and is, of course, beautiful in a distinctive way that could be described as jolie-laide, but in a ratio of about 92:8. She could easily be the new French star to make the crossover into the Anglo-Saxon film world, like Catherine Deneuve or Juliette Binoche or Emmanuelle B?©art or Marion Cotillard.

Catherine, you and I are on the same side here.
Catherine, ty i ja jesteśmy po tej samej stronie.

Catherine, I do not want to live the rest of my life without you.
Catherine, nie chcę żyć do końca życia bez ciebie.

But Catherine doesn't want anyone to see me like this.
ale Katherine, nie chce, żebyktoś widział mnie w tym stanie.

I never should have put you in that position, Catherine.
Nie powinienem cię stawiać w takiej sytuacji, Catherine.

Why don't you spend the evening with Catherine and me?
Dlaczego nie spędzisz wieczoru ze mną i Catherine?

So you and Catherine have decided to keep in touch?
Więc ty i Katarzyna Zdecydowałyście się pozostać w kontakcie?

So Catherine seems like she might become a really good writer.
Więc wygląda na to, że Catharine może zostać naprawdę dobrą pisarką.

Catherine, I don't buy that they just let you go.
Catherine, nie kupuję tego, że tak po prostu cię puścili.

Catherine still got her force field up after the whole Alex thing?
Catherine wciąż trzyma dystans, po sprawie z Alex.

You are going to take Catherine to her father's wedding.
Zabierzesz Catherine na ślub jej ojca.

Come, we'll find Catherine and you'll give her the watch.
Chodź, znajdziemy Catherine i oddasz jej zegarek.

I love you. Catherine is not to blame for this.
Miłuję cię! Nie można za to winić Katarzynę ni mnie.

Catherine and I really shared something back there, don't you think?
Catherine i ja naprawdę podzieliłem coś w tył tam, nie rób myślisz?

And Catherine is as you see her - no harm done.
A Catherine, jak pan widzi, nic się nie stało.

The film picks up everything there is to see, Catherine.
Na filmie utrwalono wszystko, co było do zobaczenia Catherine.

Catherine spent the winter at home in front of the fireplace.
Catherine spędziła zimę w domu przed kominkiem.

Catherine won't let anyone else see me, to protect the family reputation.
Katherin nie pozwala nikomu mnie zobaczyć, ze względu na reputację rodziny.

Catherine found blood smear on the floor where he was playing.
Catherine znalazła ślady krwi na podłodze, gdzie się bawili.

Well Catherine, that's why she's in this much pain now.
Cóż Catherine, właśnie dlatego tak bardzo teraz cierpi.

Catherine, nothing happens in this lab that I don't know about.
Catherine, nic się nie dzieje w tym laboratorium, o czym bym nie wiedział.

I saw Catherine arrest a woman who was innocent, okay.
Widziałem jak dokonałaś aresztowania Kobiety, która jest niewinna. Dobra?

Fortunately his daughter Catherine, who was hiding, heard and saw everything.
Na szczęście jego córka Catherine, ukryta, słyszała i widziała wszystko.

Catherine has just found out that Edward is not really a scientist.
Catherine właśnie się dowiedziała, że Edward nie jest naukowcem.

Well, i'm glad to hear you're not seeing catherine anymore.
Cieszę się, że nie będziesz się widywał już z Catherine.

Uh, because Catherine was nervous of me meeting her only sister.
Ponieważ, Catherine była zdenerwowana, że poznałem jej jedyną siostrę.

Catherine never said too much about what you knew.
Catherine nigdy nie mówiła zbyt wiele o tym co wiesz.

The other night I heard Catherine talking on the phone.
Dwa dni temu słyszałam, jak Catherine rozmawiała przez telefon.

Oh, because she's going to testify against you in Catherine's custody case?
Bo bedzie zeznawac przeciw tobie w sprawie o Catherine?

Catherine, she caught me taking stuff from the hospital.
Catherine, przyłapała mnie na zabieraniu rzeczy ze szpitala.

Catherine's daughter told me that when she was three.
Córka Catherine powiedziała mi to kiedy miała trzy latka.

How did I end up on Catherine's side of this?
Jak to sie stało, że wylądowałem po stronie Catherine?

You and Catherine, you risk so much to keep me safe.
Ty i Catherine wiele ryzykujecie dla mojego bezpieczeństwa.

Miss Catherine wanted to see you again before you left.
Panna Catherine chce jeszcze z Panią porozmawiać zanim Pani wyjdzie.

You said that you took care of Catherine in the fire.
Twierdziłeś, że zajmiesz się Catherine w płonącym tartaku.

Catherine was waiting at the station with her daughter.
Catherine czekała na stacji wraz z córką

I'm looking to speak to a nurse named Catherine holt.
Chciałbym porozmawiać z pielęgniarką, Catherine Holt.

But I thought you were going to the movies with Catherine.
Ale myślałam, że idziesz do kina z Catherine.

Whatever happened to the fingernail that Catherine found at the crime scene?
Co stało się z paznokciem, który Catherine znalazła na miejscu zbrodni?

The agent said that Catherine was concerned about certain irregularities.
Agent mówi, że Catherine znalazła jakieś nieprawidłowości.

Catherine accused an elderly gardener of making love to her.
Catherine oskarżyła starszego ogrodnika o to że się z nią kochał.

I would love to just be Catherine Fox all over again.
Ja bym bardzo chciała być znów Catherine Fox.

The one thing he succeeded at was protecting his mistress, Catherine.
W jednym odniósł sukces. Była to ochrona jego kochanki, Catherine.

I'm going to pay my last respects to catherine eddowes.
Idę po raz ostatni pożegnać Catherine Eddowes.

After all the lectures you gave me about Catherine.
Po tych wszystkich wykładach które dałeś mi odnośnie Catherine.

And Catherine Chandler is going to bring him to us.
I Catherine Chandler Przyprowadzi go do nas.

Sure her sister Catherine works in the bread shop.
Jej siostra Catherine pracuje w piekarni.

Catherine. All the world now agrees that your marriage to me was unjust.
Katarzyno, cały świat się zgadza, że nasze małżeństwo było niesłuszne.

You were thinking about Catherine and some jerk in a lip-lock.
Myślałeś o Catherine i jakimś palancie i ich stykających się wargach.

Just think how happy you'il be when Catherine comes along on our 25th, huh?
Pomyśl tylko jak szczęśliwi będziemy, gdy Catherine pojedzie z nami na 25-lecie.