Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) kastylijski;

(Noun) geografia Kastylijczyk/Kastylijka;

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. kastylijski

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"The best solution is to widen the pavements wherever you can," said Ole Thorson of the Catalunya Walks group. "It is true that sometimes the different rhythms at which people walk can bother people, but there is no need to bring in regulations." Online debate about the paintings concentrates as much on the fact that the paintings are in Castilian Spanish, rather than Catalan, as it does on the tourism issue. "Perhaps what people really want is three lanes, one for Catalan speakers, one for Castilian speakers and another for tourists," joked one wag on Vanguardia's website.
Caf?© de L'Acad?¨mia is the best lunchtime restaurant in Europe and has a simple three-course daily table d'h?´te lunch menu, including a mini carafe of wine, for about a tenner â?? a throwback to a pre-Civil War law requiring restaurants to make a good cheap local midday meal for factory workers. I have never eaten the same meal there â?? it's always fresh Catalan food â?? and I love the counter area as much as the outside tables that sprawl across Pla?§a Sant Just towards a tiny medieval church. It's about two minutes' walk from the ancient Ajuntament, the magnificent City Hall in Pla?§a de Sant Jaume where Catalans are still battling to peacefully wrench their state from Castilian political and economic control.â?? Caf?© de l'Acad?¨mia, c/Lied?? 1, +34 933 198253

You were brought up in Mexico and you speak English, with a Castilian accent.
Urodziłeś się w Meksyku, ale gdy mówisz po angielsku... słyszę akcent kastylijski.

It's an old Castilian toast.
To jest stary kastylijski toast.

Ladino and Castilian are languages.
Ladino i kastyliański to języki.

Why do I speak Castilian ...
Dlaczego mówię po kastylijsku ...