Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) żeliwny; wytrzymały, z żelaza; niepodważalny, żelazny, niezbity, murowany, gwarantowany;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy




Nowy słownik angielsko-polski aut. Zygmunt Saloni, Tadeusz Piotrowski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

żelazo lane

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

adj. z lanego żelaza

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Malcolm Trobe, policy director at the Association of School and College Leaders, says that the idea of putting not just incompetent, but weak or "underperforming", teachers through capability procedures potentially leading to a sacking is new and should be treated tentatively. He says: "We would urge an element of caution because a school is going to have to have cast-iron procedures if this is to work. If a person is meeting 49 of the 51 standards, say, it is going to be pretty iffy to do this. There is going to be a significant backlash from the teacher unions over the evidence base."
Perhaps because they have very sensitive stomachs combined with cast-iron bladders. I was once excited to spot Angela Carter in a particularly dreary one. Not exactly posh perhaps, but distinguished, in a feminist- magical-realist kind of way.
But then on it swings, over sleepy cows and determined ramblers, and views of the ragged Welsh coastline to Anglesey and the Conway estuary open up all around. There are panoramas of Llandudno's ornate cast-iron pier and the town's handsome Victorian promenade to enjoy and any doubts about personal safety recede with its sedate progress toward the summit.
But the fact that Hands lost his case could make him more reluctant to take legal action in the future. One lawyer at a leading London firm says: "This was always going to be a very difficult for Hands to win as the case turned on a series of phone calls during which no records were kept. Copycat cases are almost inconceivable after what happened last week â?? unless you have cast-iron proof."
Our feet were held by a thick cast-iron chain and padlocks.

An information society needs to be underpinned by cast-iron permanent rules, however.
Takie społeczeństwo musi jednak opierać się na żelaznych i stałych regułach.

And those are those cast-iron things you see at antiqueshops.
A tu są te żeliwne rzeczy jakie się widzi w sklepach zantykami.

I do think, however, that some further modifications are needed, because we do not yet have cast-iron guarantees of safety.
Uważam jednak, że potrzebne są pewne dalsze zmiany, ponieważ nie mamy jeszcze żelaznych gwarancji bezpieczeństwa.

Of course I have a cast-iron pan.
Jasne ,mam żeliwną patelnię.

It was functional and simple, like your sewing machine or your cast-iron stove.
Był funkcjonalny i nieskomplikowany, jak maszyna do szycia... ...albo kuchenka.

Not me, milady, and I have a cast-iron alibi.
Ja nie, milady, mam żelazne alibi.

That has been the assurance given by David Cameron, and unlike his cast-iron guarantee of before, he must hold to this promise.
Takich zapewnień udzielił premier David Cameron, i w odróżnieniu od jego wcześniejszych żelaznych gwarancji, tym razem musi dotrzymać obietnicy.

It's not easy being a cast-iron bitch.
Nie łatwo być żelazną dziewką.

Now there is a chance for 'cast-iron Dave' to make good on his reneged promise to hold an EU referendum.
Teraz "żelazny Dave” ma szansę spełnić swoją obietnicę, której nie dotrzymał, a mianowicie przeprowadzić unijne referendum.

It's not cast-iron proof...
To nie jest, co prawda żelazny dowód...

Allowing these French regions to receive emergency aid, but also seeing through the reform of the Solidarity Fund, would represent, in the eyes of Europeans, cast-iron guarantees that the European Union's duty and purpose is to be at their side in difficult situations.
Umożliwienie tym francuskim regionom otrzymania pomocy nadzwyczajnej oraz doprowadzenie do końca procesu reformy funduszu solidarności stanowiłoby w oczach Europejczyków żelazną gwarancję, że obowiązkiem i celem Unii Europejskiej jest wspieranie ich w trudnych sytuacjach.