ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Słownik techniczny angielsko-polski

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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Like the Gates foundation, the initiative seems laudable and refreshing in many ways â?? especially given the discarding of any sense of social responsibility by so many of the rich in recent decades. Several of America's wealthiest families have already signed the pledge. And yet, some authorities on philanthropy fear the consequences of this giving boom, and dislike the faint air of playing god that hangs over its creations such as the Gates foundation. Edwards says: "The world isn't a giant experiment. The foundation affects real people in real places. Why should Bill decide which sort of vaccines get developed?
Wearing rubber gloves, sort through the nettles, discarding anything you don't like the look of and any thick stalks. Wash the nettles and drain in a colander.
Brad himself seemed very relatable to me, so I invited him back to our place to meet our real, live kids. He turned up with a body bag full of Kinder eggs. How relatable! He got down with the kids and opened egg after egg, whooping when he found some elegant, complicated assembly kit and casting aside any keyrings or character figurines. It was fun to start with, but soon he was discarding chocolate, too. This was disturbing. Chocolate is a controlled substance in our house, something to be treasured and shared. The sheer scale of Brad's treat was crushing the magic out of it. It was as if your fairy godmother had appeared and brought with her the massed infantry of the People's Republic of Fairy Godmothers.
My life with my father flashed before me. The childhood years of wanting and worshipping him. The adolescent years of battling him. The adult years of missing him. And the past few years of suspecting him. Now I knew the truth. He didn't care about who I was or what I needed. He cared only about how I made him feel. Of course he was capable of using me for his own pleasure, discarding me when he was through. He was doing it now.
Strain the liquid into a bowl, cool and refrigerate. Discard the veg, peppercorns and bouquet garni. Pull the meat from the bones, discarding any skin and fat. Place in a bowl, season and refrigerate.