Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Brazylia;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

brazylina (barwnik otrzymywany z brezylki ciernistej)

Wordnet angielsko-polski

(three-sided tropical American nut with white oily meat and hard brown shell)
orzech brazylijski
synonim: brazil nut

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Brazylia

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Does Europe still want to be one of the world's great farms, together with Brazil?
Czy Europa, obok Brazylii, wciąż chce być jednym z największych gospodarstw świata?


Let us not forget that foot-and-mouth disease is still a serious problem in Brazil.
Nie zapominajmy, że pryszczyca jest w Brazylii w dalszym ciągu poważnym problemem.


ThyssenKrupp is investing in Brazil; the Austrian Vöest Group is investing in India.
ThyssenKrupp inwestuje w Brazylii; austriacka Vöest Group inwestuje w Indiach.


Firstly, it recommends putting an end to economic protectionism in Brazil.
Po pierwsze, zaleca się odejście od protekcjonizmu gospodarczego w Brazylii.


Why the huge success of the poverty elimination policies in China, Vietnam and Brazil?
Skąd tak ogromny sukces polityki eliminacji ubóstwa w Chinach, Wietnamie i Brazylii?


10.20am I've had several emails about Brazil's chances and why I haven't - to quote Charlie Richards - "bigged them up." Of course Brazil have a chance of winning the World Cup; they're second favourites, have won it five times already and have three of the best defenders in the tournament (I'm including Julio Cesar in that). But the rest of the spine is more brittle: Gilberto looked past it for Arsenal a couple of seasons back, so can he really keep it together if Xavi and co start pinging passes around him? Elsewhere, Felipe Melo hardly covered himself in glory at Juve, Kaka has had a poor season and there doesn't seem to be someone to cover him, while Luis Fabiano - who admittedly has scored 25 goals in 37 international matches - has been indifferent for Sevilla. Of course after saying that they'll probably romp to victory ... but still.
Mouth of the Mersey: "I don't mind a bit of negative play - parking the bus has an intellectual appeal and it was wonderful watching how Mourinho found a way to win the Big Cup again. But it's the sheer ineptitude on the part of the players that makes the heart sink. Why so many misplaced passes? Why is the shooting (Germany excepted) so poor? Why can't teams defend a set piece? I'm not asking for France 1986 or Brazil 1970 here - Wolves 2010 would be an improvement on most of what we've seen."
7.55am - Brazil v North Korea (7.30pm): North Korea are 25-1 to win this, which says it all about their chances against the five-time world champions. However in the press conference yesterday, their coach Kim Jong-hun sounded enormously confident ... when he wasn't berating and growling at journalists. Dunga is unloved in Brazil - l spoke to several Brazilian journalists and fans at Ellis Park yesterday and no one had a good word to say about him - but his team probably has the best defence in the tournament. However they will need their attacking four of Elano, Kak??, Robinho and Lu?­s Fabiano to improve on disappointing seasons. For the likely line-ups for tonight's game click here.
â?? Download and listen to the latest World Cup Daily podcastâ?? Read last night's report from Brazil 2-1 North Koreaâ?? Post below the line or email me your thoughtsâ?? Follow me on Twitterâ?? Get the latest reaction from our Fans' Network
10.29am: North Korea's official KCNA news agency has praised coach Kim Jong-hun's side after their 2-1 defeat against Brazil last night. "From the outset of the match the two teams fought a seesaw battle," it reported. "The DPRK footballers created good shooting chances, not losing their confidence even after losing two goals. At about the 88th minute of the match Jong Tae-se headed the ball before passing it to Ji Yun-nam who powerfully kicked it into the rival's goalmouth, scoring a goal."
10am: Randpark, a two-minute drive from where Brazil are staying, is a super-swish golf club, which - and yes, I'm reading the brochure here - has served as a venue for two South African Championships. The cost of the entrance fee is 6000 rand, subs are R7320, and with handicap card, golf levy etc the total cost of joining is R13645.65, or Â?1,211 in British money.
8.20am: Incidentally I'm writing this on the way to the Fairway Hotel in Johannesburg, ahead of a Brazil press conference later this morning. Other teams holding media days include Argentina, Germany, the USA, France and South Korea so there should be plenty of news and quotes around.
Today's schedule: Three matches, starting with Honduras v Chile at 12.30pm, followed by Spain v Switzerland at 3pm and then South Africa v Uruguay at 7.30pm. It's expected to be -2C in Pretoria tonight for the Bafana Bafana's second game, similar to the temperatures at Brazil v North Korea after which I took a good hour to thaw out after writing this match report.
Both times a festival of self-laceration preceded the recovery, and this time next week you may be reading cheery news about England's second-round match in Rustenburg rather than wincing at the mess Capello's men served up against the USA and Algeria: a performance so bad, in Cape Town on Friday night, that it contained not a single redeeming feature. In its poverty of thought and movement England's display bore a kind of visceral power to shock, so the question becomes: how did they get from where they were in qualifying to where they are now, and how can they now rise to the level of Brazil or Argentina?
It was 17 hours after North Korea bravely lost to the mighty Brazil last week before the people back home were allowed to watch the match on the country's only TV channel. While footage showed residents in the capital, Pyongyang, cheering Ji Yun-nam's late goal, North Korea's official news agency offered a predictably strait-laced description of the game: "From the outset of the match the two teams fought a seesaw battle," it reported. "The DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] footballers created good shooting chances, not losing their confidence even after losing two goals."

You remember my brother, the one who lives in Brazil?
Pamiętasz mojego brata, tego który mieszka w Brazylii?

Will you take a picture for me and my family in Brazil?
Zrobisz zdjęcie dla mnie i mojej rodziny w Brazili?

That is also what we have asked Brazil to do.
Z takim żądaniem zwróciliśmy się również do Brazylii.

In Brazil, car sales were down 11% last month, for the first time since 1999.
W Brazylii sprzedaż samochodów w zeszłym miesiącu zmniejszyła się o 11%, po raz pierwszy od 1999 roku.

In Brazil, a poor black man doesn't have many opportunities.
W Brazylii, biedny czarny mężczyzna nie miał zbyt dużo możliwości.

As a result, Brazil has less of an interest in its own role on the continent.
W rezultacie Brazylia wykazuje mniejsze zainteresowanie swoją własną rolą na kontynencie.

Brazil, with whom negotiations have recently taken place, is another case in point.
Kolejnym takim przypadkiem jest Brazylia, z którą ostatnio odbyły się negocjacje.

In Brazil we could buy 24,000 acres for that amount.
W Brazylii za taką sumę można kupić 4 000 hektarów.

I seriously doubt these workers want to go to Brazil.
Poza tym, pracownicy mogą nie chcieć wyjechać do Brazylii.

Mexico and Brazil are also playing an increasingly important role on the world stage.
Meksyk i Brazylia odgrywają również coraz ważniejszą rolę na arenie światowej.

Are only the effects important here, as in the case of imports from Brazil?
Czy tu też przypadek skutku ma zastosowanie, jak w przypadku importu z Brazylii?

In the case of Brazil, this concern is even more pressing.
W przypadku Brazylii kwestia ta jest jeszcze ważniejsza.

This is a key issue, as Brazil has a rich but fragile environment.
Jest to kluczowa kwestia, ponieważ Brazylia posiada bogate, lecz wrażliwe środowisko naturalne.

My department authorised me to engage you to do some work in Brazil.
Mój wydział udzielił mi pełnomocnictw do zaangażowania pani do wykonania pewnej roboty w Brazylii.

I hope that the proceedings in Brazil will be concluded very quickly.
Mam nadzieję, że proces toczący się w Brazylii zakończy się w najbliższym czasie.

As such, we must address an appeal to Brazil to respect this agreement.
Z tego względu musimy apelować do Brazylijczyków o jej respektowanie.

There are therefore no question marks over our friendly relationship with Brazil.
Nikt więc nie podaje w wątpliwość naszych przyjaznych stosunków z Brazylią.

You will have no need for weapons in Brazil.
W Brazylii broń nie będzie wam potrzebna.

Commissioner, you have rightly said that Brazil is an important country for us.
Panie komisarzu! Słusznie powiedział pan, że Brazylia jest dla nas ważnym krajem.

Father, if you must go to Brazil, go by yourself.
Ojcze, jeśli musisz, jedź do Brazylii sam.

You don't hear much about 'em, but they reflect well on Brazil.
Nie słychać dużo o 'em, ale odzwierciedlają również w Brazylii.

Organising this summit with Brazil was therefore the right step.
Zatem zorganizowanie szczytu z Brazylią było słuszną decyzją.

I am not interested in shaming Brazil or other countries.
Wcale nie chodzi mi o zawstydzanie Brazylii ani innych krajów.

Bought me a really expensive parrot, too, from Brazil or something.
Kupił mi drogą papugę, z Brazyli czy coś w tym stylu.

In Brazil a car is worth more than character! '
W Brazylii samochód liczy się bardziej niż charakter! '

We can also try to develop similar things with China, Brazil or other countries.
Możemy próbować pracować nad podobnymi rozwiązaniami wespół z Chinami, Brazylią i innymi krajami.

Brazil thought that the two negotiating positions were not so wide apart.
Brazylia była zdania, że stanowiska stron nie są oddalone od siebie aż tak bardzo.

Brazil will be hit now by the credit crunch and the fall in commodity prices.
Brazylia doświadczy teraz skutków kryzysu kredytowego i spadku cen towarów.

Europe can only gain from regarding Brazil as a strategic partner.
Europa może zaledwie skorzystać z traktowania Brazylii jako strategicznego partnera.

Let us not forget that foot-and-mouth disease is still a serious problem in Brazil.
Nie zapominajmy, że pryszczyca jest w Brazylii w dalszym ciągu poważnym problemem.

Try and find a raincoat in Brazil, even when it isn't raining.
Tak, tak. To spróbuj znaleźć deszczowiec w Brazylii, nawet gdy nie pada.

But in Brazil, you treat your crew like family.
Ale w Brazylii traktuje się ekipę jak rodzinę.

Just last week there were more alarming reports about deforestation in Brazil.
Właśnie w ubiegłym tygodniu pojawiło się więcej alarmujących doniesień o wylesianiu w Brazylii.

Talking about Brazil - what does Veronica do during the day?
Mówiąc o Brazylii - co w dzień robi Verónica?

As has been said here, Brazil undoubtedly has a key role in this.
Zgodnie z tym, co zostało już tutaj powiedziane, Brazylia z pewnością odgrywa w tych działaniach kluczową rolę.

Does Europe still want to be one of the world's great farms, together with Brazil?
Czy Europa, obok Brazylii, wciąż chce być jednym z największych gospodarstw świata?

It is clear that, in the 21st century, Brazil is the stronger country.
To oczywiste, że w XXI wieku Brazylia jest silniejszym krajem.

There are also legal proceedings under way in Brazil.
Toczą się również postępowania sądowe.

He is the only good thing in Brazil.
Jedyne co dobre w Brazylii, co nie?

He used to say the Patagonia would be like Brazil.
Mawiał, że Patagonia będzie jak Brazylia.

She moved here from Brazil with her family.
Przeprowadziła się tu z Brazylii razem z rodziną.

It is obvious that the growing role of Brazil deserves not only respect, but real congratulations.
To oczywiste, że rosnąca rola Brazylii zasługuje nie tylko na szacunek, ale prawdziwe gratulacje.

Brazil is also a country of decisive importance to Mercosur.
Brazylia jest również krajem o decydującym znaczeniu dla Mercosuru.

I would ask you to remove Brazil from the urgencies on the agenda.
Wnoszę o usunięcie Brazylii z listy spraw pilnych ujętych w porządku obrad.

It's banned here, so my assistant smuggles it in from Brazil.
Jest tutaj zakazany, więc moja asystentka przemyca mi go z Brazylii.

Also, no precise mention is made of Brazil's situation.
Ponadto brakuje precyzyjnego odniesienia do sytuacji Brazylii.

He wanted to develop something, plan it, organise it, to help Brazil, especially children.
Chciał rozwinąć coś dobrze zorganizowanego, o czytelnej strukturze. Zwłaszcza, by pomagać dzieciom.

You got another letter of man from Brazil.
Cześć. Dostałaś kolejny list od tego kolesia z Brazylii.

Today Brazil will lose for the first time.
Dziś Brazylia przegra po raz pierwszy.

It was intended to identify those areas and sectors where we should like to develop closer relations with Brazil.
Jej celem było wyodrębnienie obszarów i sektorów, w których chcielibyśmy nawiązać bliższe stosunki z Brazylią.