im. Bernard
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Israel has rejected a French idea that EU forces would check the cargoes of ships heading for Gaza to ensure they are not carrying goods Israel would consider a security risk. Bernard Kouchner, France's foreign minister, called the response from Jerusalem "rather negative". Spain, chairing the EU's rotating presidency, will be expected to work with Lady Ashton, the union's foreign policy chief, diplomats said. Another idea is the revival of the EU Border Assistance Mission at the Rafah crossing point into Egypt. Its operations were suspended in 2007 after the takeover of Gaza by the Islamist movement Hamas, shunned by Israel and the west.
The debate about current combat photographs is less about their quality than whether it is appropriate or in good taste to publish them. Last year the Associated Press caused a fire-storm of controversy by distributing a photograph from Afghanistan taken by Julie Jacobson. Lacking any of the formal elegance of Burrows, just about in focus, it was unremarkable in every way â?? except that it showed 21-year-old Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard in the process of dying from wounds after being hit in the legs by an RPG. Bernard's family were adamant that they did not want the picture published and were outraged when AP went ahead anyway on the grounds that it showed the human reality of war.
The executive of the 1922 committee is making elaborate plans to disrupt the referendum. Bernard Jenkin, the former frontbencher who has been appointed to negotiate with ministers, said Tories were duty bound to support the enabling legislation. But he warned that backbenchers would be prepared to table rebel amendments if ministers did not give ground on the date and raise the threshold to make it more difficult to win a yes.
But the war between Muslims and Serbs dragged on for at least another year. It is crucial to the history of War Child and Help, as well as Bosnia, that the so-called "international community" responded to this carnage with carefully calculated neutrality. While civilians were raped, incarcerated, "ethnically cleansed" and mass-murdered, the diplomatic community stuck defiantly to a policy of non-intervention beyond a mandate to deliver humanitarian aid. The British were to the fore in ensuring that nothing was done: John Major, Lord Carrington, Douglas Hurd, David Owen, Pauline Neville-Jones (then chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee) and Malcolm Rifkind were all involved in endless rounds of "peace talks" and absurd agreements with the war criminals â?? including Karad?¾iÄ? himself, and President Slobodan Milo??eviÄ? of Serbia â?? at which the latter simply laughed, finding in these charades an endorsement to continue with their genocidal pogrom. The United Nations general in charge of the UN's so-called "Protection Force" (Unprofor), Bernard Janvier, dined on suckling pig with his Bosnian Serb counterpart Rakto MladiÄ? just days before the policy of neutrality reached its logical conclusion: the massacre of 8,000 men and boys at Srebrenica in July 1995. The massacre was the spark that lit the fuse for Help, and catapulted the then two-year-old War Child initiative into the limelight. The people running the bakery and preparing the music school in Mostar had teamed up with friends at Go! Discs Records in London with an outrageous idea: to put together a record by the leading British artists of the day to raise Â?200,000. The album actually raised Â?1.25m and War Child has become one of most effective "charities" (it prefers the term "movement") working in central Africa, Afghanistan and elsewhere, combining aid with activism, and "still with this strong and quintessential relationship to music", says Ben Knowles, War Child's music director. Help was the politicians' nadir, and one of rock'n'roll's finest hours.
Speaking in the French parliament today, Bernard Kouchner, the foreign minister and co-founder of M?©decins sans Fronti?¨res, fought off criticism that the proposed law indicated an abdication of responsibility on the part of the state.
Bernard Strutt, external affairs manager for the school, hopes that "the creative elements of the competition will prove especially appealing to women". But isn't this kind of attitude part of the problem, implying that women can't handle the more technical side of Stem subjects? "I should stress that the problem isn't confined to gender imbalance," says Strutt. "Over recent years there has been a significant downturn in applications across the board. Many students are likely to be put off by the restrictive ICT on the curriculum, but the creativity of computer science is much wider than that. We want students from both genders to become software engineers, not just software users."
A total of 45 disaffected Conservative MPs, led by Bernard Jenkin, John Redwood, Edward Leigh, Sir Malcolm Rifkind and David Davis, have signed an early day motion saying it is wrong to hold the referendum and elections on the same day.
â?? When he took up painting, Churchill decided he needed advice from the best, so there is correspondence with Walter Sickert and Sir John Lavery. There are also letters from George Bernard Shaw, TE Lawrence.and Vivien Leigh.
I also later did two authorised biographies, one of Bernard Manning (who I think agreed to co-operate because he wasn't aware there was an option) and one of Uri Geller, who co-operated fully, but didn't request any editorial input. I'm proud of both of these books, but they still seem a notch less valid, somehow, than if they had been fully independent â?? that it's not altogether admirable that Uri and the late Bernard (get me and the first name terms) became good friends.
My good friend Bernard Manning, after all, used to say that about his racist stories.
Well, Bernard left him behind for three days last week.
Bernard nie zajmował się nim przez 3 dni w zeszłym tygodniu.
Bernard told me to come here just before he died.
Bernard powiedział mi abym tu przyszedł zanim zmarł.
You're not telling me you want to get involved with Bernard's shit.
Nie mówisz mi, że chcesz być wplątany w to gówno Bernarda.
Does it say what Bernard did to make him surrender himself?
Ale jak Bernard go przygotował, że on przyjechał dać się powiesić.
My brother Bernard, shot and left to die in the woods.
Mój brat Bernard został postrzelony i wykrwawił się w lesie.
Bernard Chandler knew he was in serious trouble and tried to call for help.
Bernard Chandler wiedział, że jest w dużych kłopotach i próbował dzwonić po pomoc.
I really don't feel comfortable discussing that with you, Bernard.
Niezręcznie mi o tym z tobą mówić, Bernard.
I can't see the reason for your concern, Bernard.
Nie widzę powodu dla twoich obaw, Bernardzie.
I had to wash Bernard's separately because they were a bit dirty.
Ubranie Bernarda musiałam uprać oddzielnie, bo mówiąc między nami, było trochę brudne.
Others say it began the same day with the escape of Father Bernard.
Inni twierdzą, że zaczęło się to w dniu ucieczki ojca Bernarda...
To Bernard, for being the only normal thing in my crazy, upside-down world.
Za Bernarda. Za to, że jest jedyną normalną osobą w tym zwariowanym świecie.
Bernard, Joan says you have a check for me.
Bernard, Joan mówi, że masz dla mnie czek.
Three good reasons why you should have nothing in common with Louis Bernard.
Trzy dobre powody dlaczego nie powinien pan mieć nic wspólnego z Louisem Bernardem.
Bernard, I swear this isn't what it looks like.
Klnę się, że to nie to, co myślisz.
Oh, goodness, I hope Bernard didn't go get himself in no more trouble.
Mam nadzieję, że Bernard nie wpakował się w żadne kłopoty.
Bernard should be the one going to class.
Bernard powinien być tym, który musi iść na zajęcia.
Even while things were going well with Bernard.
Nawet wtedy, gdy byłam już z Bernardem.
Hell, one time even a St. Bernard, but this is my first mummy.
Cholera, raz wyciągnęliśmy bernardyna, ale to moja pierwsza mumia.
He just took Bernard out for a ride.
On po prostu zabrał Bernarda na przejażdzkę.
Don't take less than a florin for him, Bernard!
Nie bierz za niego mniej niż florena, Bernard!
Bernard, I never knew you were so funny.
Nigdy nie sądziłam, że jesteś taki zabawny.
You and Bernard have been asked to accept a dangerous mission to Australia.
Ty i Bernard zostaliście poproszeni, by przyjąć... niebezpieczna misja w Australii.
What's a good present to give to Saint Bernard?
Cóżmógłbym dać w prezencie na Świętego Bernarda??
Bernard Sachs is already in for $300 million.
Bernard Sachs wszedł już na 300 milionów dolarów. Przekonany?
We need to start with his specifics, Bernard.
Musimy zacząć od jego profilu, Bernard.
We're here on a more tragic matter about Bernard Slaybeck.
Jesteśmy tutaj ze smutnej przyczyny. Z powodu Bernarda Slaybecka.
It means that Mr Bernard is a very mysterious man.
To znaczy, że pan Bernard jest bardzo tajemniczym człowiekiem. Co?
Bernard LaPlante is a decent, wonderful human being, deep down.
W głębi serca Bernard LaPlante to porządny i uczciwy człowiek.
Bernard Kouchner has on several occasions used the expression 'our Chinese friends'.
Bernard Kouchner kilkakrotnie użył wyrażenia "nasi chińscy przyjaciele”.
Bernard... Where did you find the strength for that?
Bernard... gdzie znalazłeś do tego siłę?
Bernard said he might call in later.
Bernard powiedział, że może zadzwoni później.
Bernard already called, and I said no.
Bernard właśnie dzwonił, i powiedziałam nie.
What exactly did he say about Bernard?
Co dokładnie powiedział Ci o Bernardzie?
Even whilst it was going well with Bernard.
Nawet wtedy, gdy byłam już z Bernardem.
Well, the surprise is that Bernard missed his flight in Zurich.
No cóż, Bernard zrobił nam niespodziankę, nie zdążył na lot z Zurichu.
Bernard, this is not pheasant hunting in Montgomery county.
To nie jest strzelanie do rzutek w Montgomery.
Bernard reckoned you were a man to trust.
Bernard uznał pana jako człowieka któremu można zaufać.
Bernard Kouchner and I requested a meeting with him.
Bernard Kouchner i ja zażądaliśmy spotkania z nim.
Bernard talked to me, not my wife.
Bernard mówił do mnie, nie do mojej żony.
No, I can handle Bernard, that's not the problem.
Nie, potrafie sobie poradzić z Bernardem, to nie jest problem.
From today, we will apply the philosophy of St. Bernard:
Od dzisiaj, będziemy stosować filozofię św. Bernarda:
Bernard, I was just well I was talking to myself.
Ja właśnie, no, ja właśnie mówiłam sama do siebie.
You must be very proud of Bernard.
Pewnie jesteś dumna z Bernarda.
Bernard is our best shooter... he's kind of stupid, but useful.
Bernard jest naszym najlepszym strzelcem. Prawda, ze jest trochę rąbnięty, ale użyteczny...
My agent, Bernard, is bringing a woman who writes for Art in America.
Mój agent przyprowadzi recenzentkę, która pisze dla Art in America.
Who would've thought Bernard, of all people?
Ze wszystkich ludzi, kto by pomyślał, że Bernard?
You heard about this thing, that fuckin' Bernard?
Słyszałeś o tym..., tym pieprzonym Bernardzie?
Bernard gave me seven days leave.
Bernard dał mi przepustkę na tydzień.
Oh, Bernard, can I have my pocket money?
Bernard, mogę dostać moje kieszonkowe?
Bernard, to the left with Jimmy.
Bernard, na lewo z Jimm'ym.