fiz.,mat. plane
~ celowania - aiming plane
~ celu - target plane
~ odniesienia - reference plane
~ ognia - plane of fire
~ ogniskowej - opt. focal plane
~ pionowa - vertical plane
~ południka - astr. meridian plane
~ porozumienia - przen. plane of agreement
~ pozioma - horizontal plane
~ rozrzutu - dispersion plane
~ równika - astr. equatorial plane
~ steru kierunkowego - lotn. rudder plane
~ strzału - fire plane, firing plane
~ symetrii - plane of symmetry
~ wodnicowa - żegl.,mar. waterplane
1. ( (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape
"we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"
"any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane")
plane, sheet
2. (a branch of knowledge
"in what discipline is his doctorate?"
"teachers should be well trained in their subject"
"anthropology is the study of human beings")
discipline, subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick: : synonim: dziedzina
synonim: domena
synonim: dział
synonim: dyscyplina
synonim: teren
synonim: gałąź
synonim: obszar
synonim: niwa
synonim: sfera
~ porozumienia common ground
n fem C (powierzchnia) surface; (fig) : ~ porozumienia common ground; (maths) plane
f plain, level
mat. fig. plane
surface~ badawcza prawoznawstwa - research level of jurisprudence/law science~ badawcza psychologiczna - psychological level of research~ badawcza socjologiczna - sociological level of research~ dyskusji - plane of discussion
(f) plane
plane n
plane, a flat surface
area, surface, plane
f panel
~ od-niesienia datum reference
dosł. i przen. plane
fiz., mat. plane
~ uławicenia - geol. bedding plane
plane~ porozumienia przen. plane of understanding