Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) skarb państwa; fundusze;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n skarb państwa
(GB) : the E ~ Ministerstwo Skarbu

Słownik finansowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

1. fiskus, skarb państwa
2. zasoby pieniężne the Exchequer Ministerstwo Skarbu

Słownik prawniczo-handlowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

1. fiskus, skarb państwa
2. zasoby pieniężne exchequer bill GB weksel skarbowyexchequer bond GB bon skarbowyexchequer issue emisja skarbowa exchequer stock pierwszorzędne papiery wartościowe o stałym dochodzie the Exchequer ministerstwo skarbu

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the funds of a government or institution or individual)
synonim: treasury

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Słownik terminów Unii Europejskiej angielsko-polski

Ministerstwo Skarbu

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Missing traders then fail to remit the VAT to the national exchequer.
Następnie "znikający podatnicy” nie odprowadzają podatku VAT do skarbu państwa.


We need to find a way of returning money to our national exchequers.
Musimy znaleźć sposób na zwrócenie środków do państwowej kasy.


Revenue that ought to be coming to the British Exchequer is instead going to Continental treasuries.
Dochody, które powinny zasilać brytyjskie Ministerstwo Skarbu, zasilają budżety na kontynencie.


Yet the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, seems now to be an advocate of this plan.
Mimo to brytyjski minister skarbu, Alistair Darling, wydaje się obecnie popierać ten plan.


Look at the cost of a troubled people to the exchequer.
Popatrzmy na to, jakim obciążeniem dla skarbu państwa są ludzie będący w trudnej sytuacji.


Hughes issued a blunt warning to the Tories that the government would break up if key pensioner benefits in the coalition agreement were cut. He launched the most significant intervention since the formation of the coalition in the debate that followed George Osborne's emergency budget on Tuesday when the chancellor of the exchequer said that welfare would bear the brunt of cuts.
Since the new government was formed, the Treasury has maintained that the scale of cuts to other departments could be ameliorated by the savings that can be made in the large welfare budget. The government believes welfare and tax credit fraud and error cost the exchequer Â?5.2bn a year â?? a figure that Cameron claims is equivalent to "200 secondary schools or over 150,000 nurses". Statistics from the last year for which figures are available suggest that Â?3.1bn was lost in the benefit system to fraud and error.
We had had to write a 1,500-word essay on one of the following subjects: "If I were chancellor of the exchequer . . .", "The energy crisis â?? necessity is the mother of invention". "Rock music has been going downhill since the death of Buddy Holly, discuss" or "Write a short story set in England in the year 2001." I had chosen the short story, which I remember was about a captured terrorist â?? neatly chosen subject, horrifically pretentious in execution.
Tax Research UK estimates that some Â?25bn is lost to the exchequer each year as a result of avoidance and planning, including Â?13bn attributed to individuals.
"Even after taking account of the cost to the public exchequer of financing degree courses, higher tax revenues and social contributions from people with university degrees make tertiary education a good long-term investment," the OECD said.
Thatcher could be charming when she had the time. At a formal dinner at Chequers, a Wren who was one of the waitresses tripped and spilled lamb casserole into Geoffrey Howe's lap. Mrs Thatcher was on her feet instantly, rushing round to comfort not the chancellor of the exchequer but the serving girl, hugging her and saying, "Don't worry, my dear, it could happen to anyone."
That means that of the total Â?16bn being brought back into the exchequer by the coalition through direct tax benefit changes, Â?11bn will come from women.
Asked on Sky News this morning if the aviation industry could afford the tax increase, Walsh said: "No. We can't afford to take on the tax burden. We're talking about paying almost Â?450m on an annual basis to the exchequer through this tax. That's Â?450m that British Airways does not have. I don't believe easyJet has the money to pay this tax and take it on. These are very significant tax burdens that need to be addressed by the government if we are to contribute to the economic recovery that everybody wants to see."
All 4 million higher rate taxpayers are to receive a letter from the exchequer asking whether their partner receives child benefit. Higher rate taxpayers who use the self-assessment system will be required to tick a box declaring the benefit and will then be taxed at a higher rate to recoup the cost.

Look at the cost of a troubled people to the exchequer.
Popatrzmy na to, jakim obciążeniem dla skarbu państwa są ludzie będący w trudnej sytuacji.

Trade should have no boundaries, says the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Handel nie powinien mieć żadnych granic, mówi Minister Skarbu.

Revenue that ought to be coming to the British Exchequer is instead going to Continental treasuries.
Dochody, które powinny zasilać brytyjskie Ministerstwo Skarbu, zasilają budżety na kontynencie.

I'm a surgeon and Chancellor of the Exchequer...
Jestem chirurgiem oraz ministrem skarbu...

Missing traders then fail to remit the VAT to the national exchequer.
Następnie "znikający podatnicy” nie odprowadzają podatku VAT do skarbu państwa.

It would also result in these moneys not being returned to the British exchequer from the EU budget when they are unused.
Ponadto niewykorzystane środki w budżecie UE nie byłyby zwracane Wielkiej Brytanii.

My exchequer is empty... ...and we are borrowing money at a biting rate.
Mój skarbiec jest pusty! I pożyczamy pieniądze w zastraszającym tempie.

Doctor, this is Lord Smithwick, Her Majesty's Chancellor of the Exchequer.
To jest Lord Smithwick, Minister Skarbu jej Wysokości Królowej.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gillian Calderwood, 'defended Britain's financial prospects.'
Kanclerz Skarbu, Gillian Calderwood, broni brytyjskich perspektyw finansowych'.

Yet the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, seems now to be an advocate of this plan.
Mimo to brytyjski minister skarbu, Alistair Darling, wydaje się obecnie popierać ten plan.

In Britain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has recently reduced the VAT rate in an endeavour to combat the recession.
W Wielkiej Brytanii kanclerz skarbu ostatnio zmniejszył stawkę VAT usiłując walczyć z recesją.

Secondly, this week, in my country, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has imposed higher fuel taxes on British car and freight drivers without understanding the consequences of his actions.
Po drugie, w tym tygodniu w moim kraju kanclerz skarbu nałożył wyższe podatki paliwowe na kierowców samochodów osobowych i ciężarowych, nie zdając sobie sprawy z konsekwencji tych działań.

He praises Mr Brown, who, before becoming prime minister, was Chancellor of the Exchequer and hence responsible for the financial policy and framework conditions of the European Union and the United Kingdom.
Chwali on pana Browna, który zanim został premierem był ministrem skarbu, co oznacza, że ponosił odpowiedzialność za politykę finansową i warunki ramowe Unii Europejskiej i Wielkiej Brytanii.