Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) religia Jezus Chrystus;
the christ child - Dzieciątko Jezus, Dziecię Jezus;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n C
the ~ child Dzieciątko Jezus
before ~ przed Chrystusem, przed naszą erą
(abbr.B.C.) .
as int ~!Jezu Chryste!

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Wojskowy słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Tadeusz J. Grzebieniowski)

s rel. Chrystus

Uniwersalny słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Andrzej Kaznowski)

n rel. Jezus Chrystus

Wordnet angielsko-polski

(any expected deliverer)
mesjasz, zbawiciel
synonim: messiah

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Słownik religii angielsko-polski

Chrystus m pr

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,
Dziękujemy Bogu i Ojcu Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa, zawsze modląc się za was,

Jesus Army

For he that herein serveth Christ is well-pleasing to God, and approved of men.
Bo kto w tych rzeczach służy Chrystusowi, miły jest Bogu, a przyjemny ludziom.

Jesus Army

according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
Według postanowienia wiecznego, które uczynił w Chrystusie Jezusie, Panu naszym,

Jesus Army

shall I then take away the members of Christ, and make them members of a harlot?
Wziąwszy tedy członki Chrystusowe, czyli je uczynię członkami wszetecznicy?

Jesus Army

Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:
Wszakże niektórzy z zazdrości i z sporu, a niektórzy też z dobrej woli Chrystusa każą.

Jesus Army

Theodora had a child at 14, and her older sister Comito, a famed singer, likely became mistress to several wealthy men; it's probable that both had several abortions. At 18, Theodora walked away from her astonishing career, to become mistress to Hecebolus, the governor of what is now known as Libya. When they broke up, not long afterwards, she joined an ascetic community in the desert near Alexandria, experiencing a religious conversion to a branch of early Christianity, Monophysitism, that was then under attack by the Roman state. The division between those who believed, with the state, that Christ was both fully human and fully divine in one, and those who, as Theodora did, believed His divinity was the prime force, raged on throughout Theodora's life. After her conversion, she travelled on to Antioch and is reputed to have worked with Macedonia, a woman a little older than her who was a dancer, but possibly also a spy. Antioch was the major city of Syria, one of the many provinces that were starting to question the supremacy of Constantinople â?? there would have been good work for spies on all sides.
A six-storey statue of Jesus Christ in a midwestern US city was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers yesterday.
Yesterday, students and staff at Oxford urged the university to reconsider accepting the donation. Peter Oppenheimer, emeritus professor of economics at Christ Church, said the university had a history of being "naive" when it came to accepting donations. "Oxford's central fundraising effort has long been an undirected mess â?? they will happily take money from anywhere," he said.
In 2002 the author "consecrated her writing entirely to Christ, vowing to write for Him or about Him". She began to write novels about the life of Christ, completing Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt in 2005, and publishing Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana in 2008 when she also released the memoir Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession, about her conversion at the age of 57. She is currently writing a series about angels, in which a contract killer is recruited by a seraph.
Rice was horrified. "No wonder people despise us, Christians, and think we are an ignorant and violent lot. I don't blame them. This kind of thing makes me weep. Maybe commitment to Christ means not being a Christian," she said.
The next day, Rice announced her decision to "quit being a Christian" â?? a comment "liked" on Facebook by almost 2,000 people. "I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being 'Christian' or to being part of Christianity," she said. "It's simply impossible for me to 'belong' to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For 10 years, I've tried. I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else."
Yesterday, the author reiterated that her faith in Christ was "central" to her life. "My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn't understand to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me," she said. "But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been, or might become."
Throughout Camp Hope, the base camp established by the miners' relatives, figures of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and St Expedito (St Expeditus) are on display. St Expedito is popular in Chile as a figure whose help is sought to speed up bureaucracy and provide urgent solutions.
Had Raphael been able to compare his paintings with the finished designs, he would have spotted some intriguing differences. RapThe robe Christ is wearing in the work depicting his Charge to St Peter is a plain white, or pastel colour in the cartoon, but was decorated with gold stars in the tapestry. They went even further in the tapestry known as the Sacrifice at Lystra, showing the aftermath of the healing of a lame man by St Paul; probably believing the man did not figure strongly enough in the crowd, the weavers replaced the crutch Raphael had painted on the ground beside him with a wooden leg instead: the victim apparently having grown a new limb instead of merely having his own restored to muscled health. The Flemish tapestries have greater vivacity than one of the Mortlake copies, also in the exhibition, from 100 years later, which is evidently the product of reverent imitation rather than exuberant flair.
Javier Garza, sipping Starbucks coffee under a broiling sun, shakes his head. "This is not the place I grew up in." The director of El Siglo de Torre??n, the main local newspaper, used to associate the city with progress. Torre??n had a bloody role in Pancho Villa's campaign against federal forces in the Mexican revolution but later grew into an economic and industrial hub for ranching, textiles, metallurgy and engineering. It built universities, fountains, a music academy, a championship-winning football team. By the 1990s, when Garza left to study and work in Mexico City and the US, Torre??n embodied a newly confident, democratic, thriving Mexico. A hilltop Christ the Redeemer statue, just marginally shorter than Rio's, opened its arms to embrace the city that conquered the desert.

Christ only knows what brought them back to life again.
Bóg tylko wie, po co znowu powołał ich do życia.

Christ, I thought we lost both of you up there.
Chryste, myślałem że zaginęliście obaj, tam na górze.

Thank Christ your poor mother isn't here to see this.
Dzięki bogu, ze twoja biedna matka nie musi na to patrzeć.

Christ, you'll never believe what I just had to do!
Rany Boskie, nigdy nie uwierzycie do czego mnie zmusili!

Return to your black death and leave this child of Christ!
Wracaj do swej czarnej śmierci i opuść to dziecię Chrystusa!

Christ! You have no idea what you've done to me.
Chryste! Nie masz pojęcia, co mi zrobiłaś.

And even if this is Christ, how could a child save the world?
Nawet, jeśli to jest Chrystus, to jak niemowlę może ocalić świat?

I hope to Christ she don't expect us to wear these things.
Mam nadzieję, że ona nie spodziewa się, że poubieramy to na siebie.

I'm no great speaker, and maybe some of you are looking for Christ.
Nie jestem dobrym mówcą. Może niektórzy z was szukają Chrystusa.

Never lose the freedom of mind with which Christ makes men free.
Nie straćcie nigdy poczucia wolności, którą Chrystus dał wolnemu człowiekowi.

In the name of Christ, you can still save your soul.
W imię Chrystusa, nadal możecie ocalić swoje dusze.

Christ loved to sit around the fire, listen to me and the other guys.
Chrystus uwielbiał siedzieć przy ognisku, i słuchać mnie i chłopaków.

Stop looking at her like she was your mother, for Christ's sake!
Przestań na nią patrzeć tak, jakby była twoją matką!

You used to be one of us, for Christ`s sake.
Byłeś jednym z nas, do cholery!

Nobody looks at photos today. christ, you could have my face.
Nikt dziś nie patrzy na zdjęcia. Mógłbyś mieć nawet moją twarz.

Jesus Christ, what kind of hold do you have on that poor woman anyway?
Jezu Chryste, jaki ty masz wpływ na tę biedną kobietę?

For Christ's sake, please listen to the people because they do not want this.
Na miłość boską! Proszę słuchać obywateli, bo oni tego nie chcą.

The body and blood of Christ becoming rich, red wine.
Ciało i krew Chrystusa pod postacią czerwonego wina.

Christ, this may be the best review you've ever gotten.
Chryste, to może być twoja najlepsza recenzja.

Christ, when are you going to let that go? Diane asked me to check.
Kiedy sobie w końcu odpuścisz? - Diane prosiła, żebym się upewnił.

For Christ's sake, will you shut up and let me think?
Na litoś boską, zamknij się I daj mi pomyśleć.

Even when there is the body of Christ you check your watches!
Nawet, gdy jest tu Ciało Chrystusa sprawdzacie swoje zegarki!

I put half of them in there, for Christ's sake.
Połowę z nich sam tam wsadziłem, na litość boską.

We're trying to make a man of him, for Christ's sake.
Próbujemy zrobić z niego mężczyznę, na miłość Boską.

Christ didn't come to Earth to give us the willies.
Chrystus nie zszedł na ziemię, by nas straszyć.

Christ, I feel like a fraud, sitting here staring at this paper.
Czuję się jak oszust, kiedy tak siedzę gapiąc się w papier.

Christ didn't die for our sins and God is angry.
Jezus nie umarł za nasze grzechy, a Bóg jest wściekły.

Who else is going to drive the car, for Christ sakes?
Kto inny miałby prowadzić samochód, na litość boską?

Christ, they even own the house we live in.
Nawet dom, w którym mieszkamy jest ich!

May Christ take care on you and hold them.
Niech Chrystus ma w opiece ciebie i twoją rodzinę.

They're being investigated by the justice department for Christ's sake.
Prowadzone jest nawet dochodzenie w ich sprawie przez Departament Sprawiedliwości.

I have always had only Christ inside my body.
Zawsze miałem tylko Chrystusa w moim ciele.

But the good news is, if you believe in Christ, you have nothing to fear.
Ale dobra wiadomość jest taka, że jeśli wierzycie w Chrystusa, nie musicie się niczego bać.

Liberace died with Christ and rose within to a new life.
Liberace umarł z Chrystusem i powstał do nowego życia.

I wear the cross of Christ above a heart filled with hate.
Noszę krzyż Chrystusa nad sercem wypełnionym nienawiścią.

And for Christ's sake, let's get it right this time.
I na litość Boską zróbmy to dobrze tym razem.

As Christ is my witness, no one's touching a hair on you!
Jak Bóg mi świadkiem, włos ci z głowy nie spadnie.

He doesn't think so, or even that Christ sought revenge.
On tak nie sądzi i nawet nie myśli, że Chrystus chciał by się mścić.

That's not the face of Christ and I want to be left alone!
To nie jest twarz Chrystusa, a ja chcę zostać sam.

For Christ's sake, you're getting an not a heart transplant.
Koniec z końcem to nie transplantacja serca, a tylko tomografia.

But like Christ, your only sign will be this.
Lecz tak jak Chrystusa, twój jedyny znak będzie taki:

To prove that the commons will fight in Christ cause.
Aby udowodnić, że towarzysze będą walczyć w jego sprawie.

Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.
Chrystus kochał Kościół i poświęcił się dla niego.

Jesus Christ, can we get through one meal without arguing?
Jezu, możemy zjeść posiłek bez sprzeczania się?

Christ as a rose is a pretty common theme that runs through the Bible.
Chrystus jako róża to często przewijający się przez Biblię motyw.

Now, my religious beliefs tell me that Christ did not die in vain.
Właśnie teraz, moje przekonania religijne mi mówią, że Chrystus nie umarł na próżno.

To join you have to accept Christ as your personal savior.
Aby do nich dołączyć musisz uznać Jezusa za swojego osobistego Zbawiciela.

Jesus Christ, how can you think of food now?
Jak możesz myśleć teraz o jedzeniu?

By Christ, this year's team is the best yet.
Na boga,w tym roku ta drużyna jest najlepsza!

And this is what they came back with, an African, white space Christ.
I to jest rezultat Afrykański, biały, kosmiczny Chrystus