(Noun) teolog/teolożka;
n C (one learned in theology) teolog
n teolog
(someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology)
synonim: theologist
synonim: theologizer
synonim: theologiser
teolog m
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
In fact, of course, educated theologians from the Pope down are firm in their support of evolution.
Wykształceni teologowie od papieża w dół, mocno wspierają ewolucję.
Quite notably, this was the dominant trend in the early 20th century among Islamic thinkers and statesmen and theologians.
W znacznej mierze, to był to główny trend na początku XX wieku pomiędzy islamskimi myślicielami, politykami, teologami.
Theologians have interpreted the " eternal sea " as meaning the world of politics, the sea that constantly rages with turmoil and revolution.
Teolodzy zinterpretowali odwieczne wody jako świat polityki, morze, które ciągle szaleje od zgiełku przewrotów.
This morning he carried out one of the central purposes of his visit when some 55,000 people joined him under grey skies for a mass to beatify the 19th century ecclesiastic, theologian and poet Cardinal John Henry Newman.
But how many of the Catholic faithful will turn up to see him? Will an octogenarian German-born conservative theologian win over the British public? And what will the scale and nature of of the demonstrations be? Will there be an attempt to arrest the pope as some leading atheists have suggested? .
But how many of the Catholic faithful will turn up to see him? Will an octogenarian German-born conservative theologian win over the British public? And what will the scale and nature of of the demonstrations be? Will there be an attempt to arrest the pope as some leading atheists have suggested.
OK, so this Victorian theologian isn't yet a saint - that will take another miracle - but a Blessed isn't bad, as it means the pope is satisfied Newman has already performed one.
He said it was nice to see a theologian who wasn't a fool.
Powiedział, że dobrze jest zobaczyć teologa, który nie jest głupcem.
Mm, professor, you're a theologian here and I ain't even know it.
Jesteś teologiem, a ja się dopiero teraz o tym dowiaduję.
Du Lac was both a theologian and a mathematician.
Du Lac był zarówno teologiem i matematykiem.
My guest tonight is author and theologian Palmer Joss.
Gościem wieczoru jest pisarz i teolog, Palmer Joss.
The third victim was a Jesuit theologian.
Trzecią był jezuicki teolog.
I imagine the priest is a resurrection theologian, as opposed to a crucifixion theologian
Myślę, że ksiądz jest teologiem zmartwychwstania, w przeciwieństwie do teologów ukrzyżowania.