biol.,spoż. fat; grease
1. (a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy
it also cushions and insulates vital organs
"fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold")
adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue
synonim: tkanka tłuszczowa
2. (a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides)
"pizza has too much fat")
fat: :
fat, grease
(łój) suet
~ palmowy palm butter
~ roślinny vegetable fat
~ zwierzęcy animal fat
~ z wełny wool fat/wax
~ z pieczeni dripping
smażyć w dużej ilości ~czu to deep-fry
polewać ~czem to baste
n masc C fat
grease: ~ jadalny edible fat
~ kakaowy cocoa butter
~ roślinny vegetable fat
plama z ~u grease stain
m fat, grease ~ roślinny vegetable oil ~ rybny fish oil ~ zwierzęcy animal fat
fat n
m fat, grease
greasefat~ odpadowy waste grease~ zwierzęcy animal fat, animal grease