wojsk. testing-ground; range; proving ground; geod. traverse
~ artyleryjski - artillery range, gunnery range
~ atomowy - atomic testing ground, nuclear weapon testing ground
~ bombowy - bombing range
~ doświadczalny - test range, testing ground
~ doświadczalny pocisków (rakietowych) - missile test range
~ lotniczy - air range, air-to-air range
~ lotniczy do strzelań naziemnych - air-to-ground range
~ przeciwpancerny - anti-tank range
~ rakietowy - rocket range
~ saperski - engineering testing ground
~ strzelniczy - firing ground
~ torpedowy - torpedo range
~ uzbrojenia - ordnance ground, weapons testing ground
~ wojskowy - firing ground, testing ground
1. (a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers opportunities for observation and practice and experimentation
"the new nation is a testing ground for socioeconomic theories"
"Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism")
testing ground, laboratory
synonim: poligon doświadczalny
2. (a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides)
polygon, polygonal shape: : synonim: wielokąt
synonim: wielobok
~ artyleryjski artillery range
~ ćwiczebny assault course
~ doświadczalny proving ground
~ rakietowy rocket range
n masc C (mil) military training ground
firing ground (artillery or bombing) range
m batlle camp, field trainig centre, target range
~ doświadczalny proving ground
training ground
firing range