Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros)
milion, mln
synonim: million
synonim: 1000000
synonim: one thousand thousand

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Marcus Wareing is head chef of Marcus Wareing at the Berkeley. His latest book is Nutmeg And Custard (Bantam Press, Â?25). To order a copy for Â?19.99 (including UK mainland p&p), go to or call 0330 333 6846.
But brilliantly, and possibly uniquely, TED has no VIP section, no special celebtastic treatment. Last year, in Oxford, Meg Ryan and Cameron Diaz showed up and, like everyone else at the conference, had to wear massive name tags the size of a dinner plate, which said MEG RYAN and CAMERON DIAZ. Even then, at least half the audience had no idea who they actually were and mobbed the theoretical physicist standing next to them.
Then again, not every film should have a sad ending. Imagine if Field Of Dreams ended with Kevin Costner sitting in an empty baseball field for a week, realising that nobody was actually going to turn up, and killing himself. Or if Tim Robbins got stuck in the sewage pipe during his escape from Shawshank and ended up suffocating in human effluent. Or if Sleepless in Seattle ended with Meg Ryan being graphically mauled to death by an escaped tiger.
Marcella Hazan often gets the blame for the craze for balsamic vinegar, and she has been known to complain people use it far too much. But in other matters, her influence has only ever been benign. Hazan, knowing that some pastas are most definitely not best made at home, has made cooks everywhere feel truly proud of their jars of dried spaghetti. She has also, down the years, encouraged them to chuck out their garlic presses, and use instead the blade of a knife to crush our cloves. Best of all, she has taught us to elevate what we used to call spaghetti sauce to the status of ragu, an altogether more sophisticated beast. We know now to add milk to it, and nutmeg and, if we are feeling really chi-chi, we can throw in some chicken livers, too, and call it 'ragu di fegatini'.
One record for a gubernatorial election has already been broken by Meg Whitman, the former eBay chief and Republican candidate in the race to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California, who has so far spent $119m â?? $10m more than Michael Bloomberg in his re-election campaign for mayor of New York last year.
In total there are eight new shadow cabinet members, including some less well known women such as Mary Creagh â?? who has never held a ministerial post â?? Ann McKechin and Meg Hillier.
Diane Abbott, leftwing leadership candidate, failed to be elected, but five women have been propelled forwards â?? Mary Creagh, Ann McKechin, Angela Eagle, her twin sister Maria and Meg Hiller, previously a junior minister in the Home Office responsible for piloting the identity cards bill through parliament.
New shadow cabinet entrants include Meg Hillier, who gets Ed Miliband's old shadow energy and climate secretary job, while Ivan Lewis gets the culture, media and sport brief. Maria Eagle is shadow transport secretary, while her twin sister, Angela, is shadow chief secretary to the Treasury.
Scrape the leftover pumpkin flesh from the skins, and remove the burnt, papery skins from the onions. Pur?©e the vegetables in a blender until smooth, then thin with stock until it's the texture you like. Pour into a pan, grate over a little nutmeg and warm through, adding some leftover roast chicken, if you like. Adjust the seasoning to taste.
Not only did Senator Barbara Boxer defeat her Republican challenger, Carly Fiorina, but Jerry Brown beat Meg Whitman to wrest the California governorship back into Democratic hands after eight years of 'the Governator', Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Meg, your father worked very hard to put this party together.
Meg, twój tata ciężko pracował nad tą imprezą.

Meg got held up at work, but she should be here any minute.
Meg utknęła w pracy, ale powinna być tu za kilka minut.

You see, Meg, you're what they call a practice girl.
Takie, jak ty, nazywają dziewczynami do ćwiczeń.

But really, Meg, you don't know anything about this stuff.
A tak naprawdę, Meg, ty nic nie wiesz o tych rzeczach.

I know you feel terrible, but you're not a bad person, Meg.
Wiem, że czujesz się okropnie, ale nie jesteś złą osobą, Meg.

If it wasn't for me, meg would have been in the limo.
Gdyby nie ja, Meg byłaby w limuzynie.

It's all in these pamphlets Meg brought home from school.
Wszystko jest w tej broszurce, którą Meg przyniosła ze szkoły.

Meg, what have you come up with so far?
Meg, co na razie masz?

So, when are you going to see Meg again?
Więc kiedy spotkasz się znowu z Meg?

Meg, could you tell Dad that he's too fat to need extra syrup?
Meg, możesz powiedzieć tacie, że jest za gruby na dodatkowy syrop?

Lizzie gave me that hard drive to hide for Meg.
Lizzie dała mi ten dysk, żeby przechować dla Meg.

You were like a bad Meg Ryan movie in there.
Byłeś jak słaby film Meg Ryan.

Meg has a laptop my parents didn't know about.
Meg ma laptopa, o którym nie wiedzą rodzice.

I've seen Meg do this a bunch of times.
Widziałem, jak Meg robiła to parę razy.

Tony told him his mother that The boys of here they hit to Meg.
Powiedział swojej matce, że widział jak kilku chłopców razem z pani synami biło Meg.

Peter said something about Meg, which I completely disagree with.
Peter powiedział coś o Meg, z czym się kompletnie nie zgadzam.

And what happens if this draws the unsub to meg?
A co się stanie jeśli to ją zaatakuje?

Gosh, Meg, I really wish we could take our relationship to the next level.
Jejku, Meg, naprawdę chciałbym przejść w naszym związku na następny poziom.

I think Meg has one of the books.
Chyba Meg miała jeden z tych zeszytów.

Meg, look nothing will happen to your car.
Twojemu wozowi nic nie będzie.

Hey, Meg, you have an absolutely beautiful singing voice.
Hej, Meg. Masz naprawdę piękny głos.

Oh, Meg, I've wanted to do that for so long.
Od tak dawna chciałem to zrobić.

I'm going to see Meg for a minute.
Chcę się zobaczyć z Meg.

Why is Meg e-mailing someone at child protection services?
Dlaczego Meg pisze do kogoś z Ochrony Praw Dziecka?

He told his mother that his boys Meg saw whack away.
Powiedział swojej matce, że widział jak kilku chłopców razem z pani synami biło Meg.

Chris, we should have a talk about Meg.
Chris, musimy porozmawiać o Meg?

You can have what you want, and Meg's free.
Możesz mieć co chcesz, a Meg będzie wolna.

Most people guess Beth, but Meg is such a proper young lady.
Wielu stawia na Beth, ale Meg jest właściwie taką małą damą.

Well, I'm sure Meg would like to go swimming with you, darling.
Jestem pewna, że Meg chciałaby z tobą popływać, kochanie.

I see you as a young Meg Ryan myself.
Ja widzę w tej roli młodą Meg Ryan.

Meg Griffin, we need to have a talk.
Meg Griffin, musimy porozmawiać.

Hey, it beats sitting at home watching Meg pop her zits.
To przebija siedzenie w domu i oglądanie jak Meg wyciska sobie przyszcze.

My Aunt Meg used to call him a human barometer.
Moja ciotka Meg nazywała go człowiek barometr.

You're staying with Emmett and Meg until this is over.
Zostaniesz z Emmettem i Meg, aż się uspokoi.

Look at David. He was kind to Meg and she gave him a painting.
Na przykład David był miły dla Meg i zasłużył na obrazek.

Well, Meg said you'd be asleep, but it's fine.
No, Meg mówiła, że będziesz spał, ale tak też jest dobrze.

I know you're just finishing up with Meg.
Wiem, że kończysz lekcję z Meg.

God, Meg's kidnappers could be anywhere in France by now.
Boże, Meg porywacze mogą być w całej Francji przez teraz.

I don't think Meg liked him needing it.
I pewnie nie podobało to się Meg.

Well, Meg feels it might make things awkward.
Meg uważa, że może być niezręcznie. A więc to prawda?

I thought you were going with Meg.
Myślałem, że pojedziesz do szpitala razem z Meg.

Oh, Meg and I had a great time.
Oh, Meg i ja świetnie się bawiliśmy.

Oh, Meg, I do like that color on you.
Podoba mi się ten kolor.

Meg, this is the last time, I promise.
To już ostatni raz, obiecuję.

Well, I'm sure Meg handled everything that you need.
Coz, jestem pewien, ze Meg obslugiwane wszystko, czego potrzebujesz.

Meg, you never saw my new office.
Meg, nie widziałaś mojego nowego biura.

First, Meg wanted to have a baby.
Najpierw Meg chciała mieć dziecko.

Meg, you're the only one who's been there.
Meg, jesteś tylko jeden kto tam był.

Meg, Mom wants to talk to you.
Meg, mama chce rozmawiać z tobą.