Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


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Wordnet angielsko-polski

(affectionate play (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs) )
synonim: caressing
synonim: cuddling
synonim: fondling
synonim: kissing
synonim: necking
synonim: petting
synonim: smooching
synonim: snuggling

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Early the next morning we were in a Chinook, hugging the contours of the rocky peaks and then sprinting across the landing zone to avoid getting shot at. I found big, brash 27-year-old Captain Dan Kearney, dubbed the Lord of the Korengal Valley, in the well-equipped medic's tent. On the bed sat a boy with blood-stained eyes, his face covered in gashes. He wouldn't or couldn't talk. The villagers said he was wounded by the American bomb that also killed two women. Two more women were wounded and outside the gate, but the villagers wouldn't let them be treated because the medic was a man. The women could die, said the medic. The men still refused. "Welcome to my life," said Dan. Taliban attack his soldiers from the villages. He retaliates. Afghan women and children die.
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, said she thinks of nothing other than hugging her children and that she was mentally broken when authorities flogged her 99 times in front of her then 17-year-old son, Sajad.
7th over: Pakistan 46-1 (Farhat 26 Butt 13) need 148 to win England persist with Anderson, a decision which they soon have cause to rue as Butt flashes the first ball away for four with a graceful cover drive. Anderso tightens his line for the next four balls, hugging off stump. Until he finally lets it drift out wider again, and Butt pats a single out to deep cover.
The website also carries a picture of Geller hugging Geert Wilders, the far-right Dutch politician who advocates banning the Qu'ran and the construction of new mosques, and runs a support campaign for him as he faces trial for incitement to hatred.
The centrepiece of the party is the opening of an envelope to reveal a note written by the ultrasound operator informing the couple of their baby's sex. A round of applause and much hugging follows, accompanied by the popping of corks and a chorus of "Ah, bless" and "It's so much better having a [insert revealed sex here] first."
On a Sunday afternoon, this train inches past Goan beaches as families splash in the water, friends chat in huddles by the track and the smoke from late afternoon cooking floats into the carriages. Bright pink blossoms hang so close you can reach out and touch them as the train cuts straight into the heart of Goan village life. As it approaches the Western Ghats, the train speeds up through thick jungle, hugging the curves of the mountainside. Keep your eyes peeled for waterfalls in the distance, which increase as the trees thin and the view turns to deep valleys and peaks. On the approach to Londa the sun should just be setting which gives the strange red clay surroundings an ominous glow.
Video shot by the miners and released by the government showed scenes of bedlam below when the drill broke through, sending a shower of water and rock down into the chamber. "Viva Chile!" the miners cried, hugging each other and posing for the camera with broad smiles and headlamps beaming.
Does she think it was symptomatic of wider developments at the BBC, or just an unfortunate one-off? "No, I think a lot of us feel that way. That there are great hierarchies and you can't have a personal relationship. So it's just defeating because it becomes faceless. There was never a golden age when they were hugging and kissing you, but they used to leave you alone. Now it's so prescriptive and everyone's chucking in their two penneth â?? and I want to be reasonable, and I want to be cooperative. But I want there to be mutual respect, and there isn't any."
Thatcher could be charming when she had the time. At a formal dinner at Chequers, a Wren who was one of the waitresses tripped and spilled lamb casserole into Geoffrey Howe's lap. Mrs Thatcher was on her feet instantly, rushing round to comfort not the chancellor of the exchequer but the serving girl, hugging her and saying, "Don't worry, my dear, it could happen to anyone."
As the hours passed, the scene at Camp Hope became festive as food donations poured in, miners in hard-hats went from tent to tent hugging family members and hundreds of journalists described a story for which the world has had an insatiable appetite.

I saw you hugging her in front of our house!
Widziałam cię z nią pod naszym domem!

Why are you hugging me when Mom isn't here to see it?
Czemu mnie przytulasz, skoro mama nie patrzy? Puszczaj!

Well, hugging every once in a while is okay, I think.
Myślę, że nie zaszkodzi raz na jakiś czas się do kogoś przytulić.

From hugging her dead husband in a fit of grief.
Od przytulania jej zmarłego męża w przypływie żalu.

So if I'm feeling insecure, hugging you will make me feel better?
Więc, jeżeli czuję się zagrożony, przytulenie się do ciebie spowoduje, że poczuję się lepiej?

I don't remember, like, you and Mom hugging or waking up together.
Po prostu...nie pamiętam, ciebie i mamy przytulających się lub budzenia się razem.

I'm hugging you all in my mind right now.
Ściskam was wszystkim w myślach właśnie teraz.

She repeated your name all night, hugging the stone to her breast.
Powtarzała twoje imię całą noc, tuląc kamień do swych piersi.

And tonight, when you're hugging your pillow, remember, I'm with her.
A dziś w nocy, ściskając swoje poduszki, pamiętajcie, że jajestem z nią.

Did I dream about her arms and legs hugging me like moving algae?
Czy śniłem o jej ramionach i nogach oplatających mnie jak algi?

When I see somebody hugging it's make me sick.
Kiedy widzę jak ktoś się przytula jest mi źle.

Well, you know, my room could really use a gigantic monkey hugging a banana.
Cóż, w moim pokoju naprawdę przydałaby się gigantyczna małpa tuląca banana.

A hugging machine is used to relax the sympathetic nervous system.
Używają maszyny do ucisku, żeby rozluźnić współczulny system nerwowy. Spowalnia serce.

All that we can, is to live while hugging this tragedy
Wszystko, co możemy, to żyć, trzymając tą tragedie

Oh, uh, sorry, I didn't realize you were both here, hugging.
Oh, uh, przepraszam, nie wiedziałem że będziecie się tu dwoje, przytulać.

And I believe it's just God hugging us closer.
A ja uważam, że to Bóg nas mocniej tuli.

Yellow light includes borderline behaviors such as hugging someone or...
Żółte światło zawiera zachowania z pogranicza, takie jak ściskanie kogoś albo...

She hugged someone. But not me. She was hugging somebody else.
Przytulenie się zgadza, ale nie przytuliła mnie tylko kogoś innego.

You were between them when they were hugging?
Byłeś między nimi, jak się ściskały?

Why you hugging your momma so long?
Dlaczego przytulanie Twoja mama tak długo?

With him God-knows-where and me hugging the dog?
Z nim nie wiadomo gdzie i ze mną przytulającą psa?

We're not really a hugging family.
Nie jesteśmy rodziną, która się przytula.

Good to see you guys hugging.
Dobrze was widzieć jak się obejmójecie.

One gigantic monkey hugging a banana, please!
Poproszę jedną gigantyczną małpę, tulącą banana.

Ravi, I feel like hugging you!
Ravi, synu, naprawdę się czuję, jakbym cię ściskał

This hugging and caressing is called foreplay.
To prztulanie i dotyk nazywamy grą wstępną.

One minute, they hate each other... next minute, they're hugging, kissing and stuff.
W jednej chwili nienawidzą się... a następnie ściskają się i całują.

Oh, so we're onto hugging now?
O, więc teraz się ściskamy.

Stop hugging and kissing me.
Przestań mnie przytulać i całować.

Your butt looks like two Pringles hugging,
Twoja dupcia wygląda jak dwa sciśnięte Pringles.

It's like hugging fresh cookies.
To jak ściskać świeże ciasteczka.

Oh, and now they're hugging.
O a teraz się ściskają.

Without your kissing, hugging and fucking
Bez twoich pocałunków, przytulania i… pieprzenia.

Iabel it love and concern-- hugging, embracing.
Ja to nazywałem miłością i troską-- przytulanie, obejmowanie.

So... When Morning was hugging you today...
Czyli... jak Morning się dzisiaj do ciebie kleiła...

And you were hugging me..., obviously, you are not repulsed by it.
A ty mnie objąłeś... więc to jasne, że to ci nie przeszkadza. Hura!