Wordnet polsko-angielski

1. (a structure of vertical and horizontal rods where children can climb and play)
jungle gym

2. (a gymnastic apparatus used for strengthening exercises
uprights fastened to a wall and connected by horizontal rungs)
stall bar: :

3. (a framework of bars or logs for children to climb on)
climbing frame: :

4. (low-growing perennial having leaves silvery beneath
northern United States
silverweed, goose-tansy, goose grass, Potentilla anserina: : synonim: pięciornik gęsi
synonim: pięciornik pospolity
synonim: pięćperset gęsi
synonim: srebrnik pospolity
synonim: gęsie ziele
synonim: gęsia trawa
synonim: gęsiówka
synonim: dziewicze ziele