Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Indie;

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Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Indie

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

geogr. Indie

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"I think we are getting married. We are not making any statement, politically," she told the sceptical press pack. "I just want to know how I am going to look and how my hair is going to be, rather than think how India and Pakistan political issues are going to be."
"At least people can look up to them as a beacon of hope and peace for Pak-India relations," said Gilani. Butt concurred: "I am sure it will have far-reaching effects and help improve relations between the two countries." The former Pakistani prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, suggested political differences between the countries could be resolved through a similarly "positive approach".
Amber Rahim Shamsi, blogging for the Pakistan newspaper Dawn, likened it to the positive response in India to Bollywood movies in which the male (Indian) lead charms his way into the affections of the (Pakistani) female lead. "I doubt if any if these films would have resonated with the Indian masses had the genders been reversed," she wrote. "This also explains why the response on the Pakistani side has been so laudatory."
As she fell in love with Malik, it seems, India began to fall out of love with her.
"In India, cross-border marriages are a cultural shock given the political background of the two countries," Dr Bhavna Barmi, a psychologist and marital therapist, explained in the Times of India. "India and Pakistan, for time immemorial, have been portrayed as two warring nations which has had a humongous impact on our psyche. So, such adverse reactions don't really come as a surprise."
"There are many reasons for this, not least the widely held, popular view that she is selling herself short by marrying so gauche (and now, dishonest) a man as Shoaib," she said. "But the underlying sub-text was undoubtedly a sense that Sania is getting her just desserts. The whole affair illustrates a deeply held competitiveness between India and Pakistan."
Perhaps reluctant to allow time for anyone else to take offence, the couple brought forward the wedding â?? originally scheduled to take place in Hyderabad on 15 April, followed by a wedding party across the border in Lahore â?? to Friday, marrying at the conclusion of evening prayers. Significantly, they have no intention of settling in India or Pakistan.
When Reena Roy, a popular Indian actress, quit Bollywood at the height of her fame in 1983 to marry Pakistan cricketer Mohsin Khan, it caused nothing like the stir kicked up today. "The best part about our marriage was that I got a very warm acceptance in India and Reena received the same in Pakistan," Khan explained earlier this week. "Times have changed, and sadly so."
A first-time Indian director, Rakesh Ranjan Kumar, has announced that he will make a movie about Adolf Hitler. Dear Friend Hitler stars Indian actors Anupam Kher and Neha Dhupia as Hitler and Eva Braun, and will focus on what the director claims was "Hitler's love for India and how he indirectly contributed to Indian independence".
11.10am "I can vouch for Mythos and am glad to see Greece make it through the group stages, though you've got to have Quilmes as a favourite to win the tournament," hics Tim Leach. "That is some mighty tasty beer, even without the hometown advantage granted by the nostalgia of your degraded, alcoholic childhood. It's a shame India didn't qualify - I once had a bottle of Godfather beer, which had an ABV of "between 5.1 and 7.6%", according to the bottle. That's the beer equivalent of having Crouch up front - brilliant/disastrous, depending on atmospheric conditions."

I mean, a lot of their work can be done from india.
Chodzi mi o to, że... dużą część tego, co robią, można zlecić w Indiach.

Now that you're back in India what are you going to do?
Co pan będzie teraz robił po powrocie do Indii?

It took a year for his parents to find him in India.
Jego starzy szukali go latami w Indiach, dopóki go nie znaleźli

India is such a huge country, I wouldn't know where to begin.
Indie to tak duży kraj, że nie wiem, od czego zacząć.

Let's hope it does the same for you in India.
Mam nadzieję, że zrobi to samo dla ciebie w Indiach.

I think, this will be the first project of its kind in India.
Myślę, że to będzie pierwszy taki projekt w Indiach

You think it's a good idea for me to go to India?
Myślisz, że to dobry pomysł, bym jechał do Indii?

Is that one of those things you learned in India?
To jedna z rzeczy jakiej nauczyłeś się w Indiach?

I have been critical, but it would work better here than in India.
Byłem krytyczny, ale zrobiliśmy tą pracę tutaj niż w Indiach.

You're not known in this city also, but entire India knows about me.
Nawet w tym mieście jesteś nikim, a mnie znają całe Indie.

So we bought 100,000 books and sent them to India.
Kupiliśmy więc 100 000 książek i wysłaliśmy je doIndii.

And we are now, three years later, prepared to do the same in India.
A teraz - trzy lata później - jesteśmy gotowi uczynić to samo w Indiach.

I'm flying to India to get back the love of my life.
Lecę do Indii, żeby odzyskać miłość mojego życia.

China and India have a role to play with regard to what must be done.
Chiny i Indie w odniesieniu do niezbędnych działań mają do odegrania znaczącą rolę.

This agreement with India means that you are going even further.
Omawiana umowa z Indiami oznacza pójście jeszcze dalej.

First rule in India is never touch anything but yourself.
Pierwsza zasada w Indiach to nie dotykaj niczego poza sobą samym.

I often wonder if he thinks of us, in India.
Zastanawiam się często, czy on myśli o nas w Indiach.

One request, don't anyone here about our story in India.
Jedna mała prośba... Nie mów tu nikomu o naszej historii w Indiach.

If he's india so what he did yet for local peoples?
Jeśli jest Hindusem to co uczynił dotychczas dla nas miejscowych?

In India, whole families live off the money that the children earn.
W Indiach całe rodziny żyją z pieniędzy zarabianych przez dzieci.

She wants to return to India to paint old buildings.
Ona chce wrócić do Indii aby malować stare budynki.

And check out his story about the girlfriend in India too.
I sprawdźcie historię o dziewczynie w Indiach.

The biggest democracy in the world is, of course, India.
Największą demokracją na świecie są oczywiście Indie.

It seems you're here for a year, and refusing to go to India.
Wydaje się, że jesteś tutaj rok... I nie chcesz jechać do Indii.

We need to see what will ultimately be possible with a partner like India.
Musimy wiedzieć, co ostatecznie będzie możliwe z takim partnerem, jak Indie.

After all, India will obviously continue to develop and we need to take account of that.
W końcu jest pewne, że Indie będą się nadal rozwijać, i musimy to uwzględnić.

Unlike other countries, India is now a responsible nuclear power.
W odróżnieniu od innych państw, Indie są obecnie wiarygodnym mocarstwem nuklearnym.

A lot of it's being dropped on developing nations like India.
Dużo rtęci jest zrzucane na kraje rozwijające się, jak Indie.

All over India, people are praying that you will end the fast.
Ludzie z całych Indii modlą się abyś przestał pościć.

I'm not going to India to train my own replacement.
Nie pojadę do Indii uczyć mojego następcę.

I was just in India working on the polio program.
Właśnie pracowałem w Indiach w programie chorobyHeinego-Medina.

Well, you'd certainly have trouble finding your ideal woman in India.
Cóż, na pewno miałbyś problem ze znalezieniem sobie idealnej żony w Indiach.

Our animals are worth far more abroad than here in India.
Za granicą nasze zwierzęta są warte więcej niż w Indiach.

Let us take the example of India, where child labour is prohibited.
Weźmy przykład Indii, gdzie praca dzieci jest zabroniona.

The enormous economic growth can create better conditions and opportunities for greater social justice in India.
Olbrzymi wzrost gospodarczy może tworzyć lepsze warunki i możliwości zaprowadzenia większej sprawiedliwości społecznej w Indiach.

As such, the gap between rich and poor remains too wide in India.
Przepaść między bogatymi i biednymi w Indiach jest wciąż zbyt duża.

India has one of the richest cultures in the world.
Indie mają jedną z najbogatszych kultur na świecie.

India is playing a new role in relation to developing countries, with its own 'everything but arms'.
Indie odgrywają nową rolę w stosunkach z krajami rozwijającymi się, dysponując "wszystkim oprócz broni”.

In both political and economic terms, India's achievements are impressive.
Osiągnięcia Indii są imponujące - zarówno w wymiarze politycznym, jak i ekonomicznym.

I'll give you my India on 50 rupees a day book.
Dam Ci moja poradnik Jak tanio przezyc w Indiach .

India history is witness this land get a blood and give against royal.
Indie Historia była świadkiem, że ziemia ta spływała krwią w walkach o koronę.

But in India we never leave our friends alone.
Ale w Indiach nigdy nie zostawiamy naszych przyjaciół samych.

And 30 times more than a person from India.
I 30 razy więcej niż mieszkaniec Indii.

If we are in India, on which side will America be?
Jeśli jesteśmy w Indiach, z której strony jest Ameryka?

I'm so sorry, but you had fallen pregnant in India.
Proszę. - Tak mi przykro. Ale zaszła pani w ciążę w Indiach.

A town in India holds a ceremony once every full moon.
W pewnym mieście w Indiach, każdej pełni odbywała się ceremonia.

One only has to think of China or India, for example.
Można tu przytoczyć przykładowo Chiny lub Indie.

No one will be able to stop me from taking you to India
Nikt nie będzie w stanie mnie powstrzymać przed zabraniem cię do Indii

In particular we must bring China and India on board to force the change.
Aby wymusić zmiany, musimy w szczególności mieć po naszej stronie Chiny i Indie..

China and India are growing, not only in economic power, but also in military might.
Chiny i Indie rosną - nie tylko jako mocarstwa gospodarcze, lecz też jako wojskowe.