Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) filipiński;

(Noun) Filipińczyk/Filipinka; lingwistyka język filipiński, język tagalski;

Uniwersalny słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Andrzej Kaznowski)

n Filipińczyk, Filipinka

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. filipiński

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Thousands of military reserve officers and volunteers were on standby, along with helicopters, including six Chinooks that were committed by US troops holding war exercises with Filipino soldiers near Manila, said Benito Ramos, a top disaster response official.
I first came to the Philippines in 2006 to teach and study at the International Academy of Film and Television on Mactan Island. I settled in fast and started meeting people and making films. I wanted to try to reflect the lives of the Filipino people in an honest and authentic way, by listening to their stories and making documentary-style films that were about them and those little moments in their lives that somehow become significant.
In the case of Kirk Abella, I want to do what is right, now. The surge of support I have had from all corners of the world makes me feel optimistic that I should continue to tell stories about the people who interest me. In times of tragedy, it seems that the Filipino people come together in an extremely powerful way. Families are comforting families and people are supporting those who have suffered loss in a profound yet simple way, in the spirit of bayanihan, a word for "helping each other, looking after each other".
She's right, of course. The rock-star connections give her a lustre that other writers, particularly those writing hard-to-sell short stories, struggle to match. But it is also unfair in that she's a fully fledged writer in her own right. And Samson's background is a match for anything rock can throw up. Her mother, the offspring of a Chinese businessman and a cockney chambermaid, left China aged six, returned to China aged 16, became a soldier in the People's Liberation Army â?? had one child by a Filipino general, another by a British journalist at the Communist paper, the Daily Worker, a third, Polly, by Lance Samson who also was a Daily Worker journalistâ?? living in China, Korea and East Berlin before finally returning to the UK. "Where she became the headmistress of a village primary school. And my father edited local papers â?? And of course I didn't really realise any of this. My mother didn't talk about anything until she wrote a book. Because, I think, she was quite traumatised. I had no idea that she'd been a major in Mao's army. I wasn't that interested. As a child, you're not."

I kind of made friends with that filipino grandmother from room 206.
Zaprzyjaźniłem się z tą filipińską babcią z pokoju 206.

We had to go to a Filipino bakery to get it.
Musieliśmy iść do Filipińskiej piekarni po nie.

I assume they were smuggled in by the Filipino resistance.
Przypuszczam, że zostało to przeszmuglowane przez filipiński ruch oporu.

Yes, we're also thinking about adopting one of the Filipino busboys.
No tak, ale wciąż myślimy o adoptowaniu jednego z Filipińskich pomocników.

You have to take care of the Filipino.
Musisz zająć się tą Filipinką.

That Filipino ringer you wrangled is finally on his way.
Filipińska tajna broń, o którą się wykłóciłem jest w drodze.

Or see that guy with the drop-dead Filipino girlfriend?
Widzisz tego gościa przy tej szałowej Filipince?

You've been spending our rent money on Filipino hookers?
Wydawałeś nasze pieniądze na czynsz na filipińskie dziwki?

There's 250,000 Filipino sailors. That's more than any nationality in the world.
Tony, jest 250,000 filipińskich marynarzy-- więcej niż jakiejkolwiek innej narodowości na świecie.

Ken, whatever happened to that pretty little Filipino girlfriend of yours, Annie?
Ken, co się stało z tą twoją śliczną, filipińską dziewczyną, Annie?

Ground floor, only Filipino nurses and some interns.
Na parterze mieszkają filipińskie pielęgniarki i stażyści.

He didn't look Filipino, where was he from?
Nie wyglądał na Filipińczyka, skąd był?

Could have been a Filipino name.
Mogło być filipińskie.

Your Filipino is the same as your Chinese!
Twój Filipińczyk jest taki sam, jak Chińczyk.

It's more like in Filipino prison.
To jest jak filipińskie więzienie.

Three Filipino fishermen... still in their boat!
Trzech filipińskich rybaków... Jeszcze byli w łodzi!

A Chinese Filipino from a rich family
Chińczyk filipińskiego pochodzenia z bogatej rodziny

I'll make them Filipino style.
Ja je robię a la Filipino.

Are Filipino maids popular here?
Czy filipińskie sekretarki są tutaj popularne?

Filipino, Cambodian and other Asian countries.
Filipiny, Kambodża i inne kraje azjatyckie.

It was Filipino!
To był Filipińczyk!

This young Filipino was abducted by armed men in a very busy shopping centre in Manila on 28 April 2007.
Ten młody Filipińczyk został porwany w zatłoczonym centrum handlowym w Manili 28 kwietnia 2007 r.

Albanian, Filipino, black man from every borough...
Albańczyk, Filipińczyk, Czarny z każdej dzielnicy...

Sinatra is Filipino virus C-2.
Sinatra to filipiński wirus C-2.

Then there's the Filipino houseboy from Hawaii and the redhead from St. Louis.
Został nam jeszcze ten filipiński sprzątacz z Hawajów... i rudzielec z St. Louis.

Filipino. ln Tagalog it means, Rice, paddy, dike.
Filipińskie. W języku Tagalog znaczy grobla na polu ryżowym

In these conditions, European professionals in this sector prefer to be employed by maritime companies or shipowners in Dubai or China, while European ships are crewed by Filipino and Indian seafarers.
W tych warunkach europejscy specjaliści tego sektora wolą podejmować pracę w przedsiębiorstwach morskich lub u armatorów w Dubaju czy w Chinach, podczas gdy na europejskich statkach pływają załogi marynarzy filipińskich i indyjskich.