Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Europa; Europa Zachodnia;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Słownik zwrotów brytyjskiego angielskiego

'jU@r@pn Europa (z wyłączeniem Wielkiej Brytanii) This film is about British holidaymakers in Europe (Film jest o brytyjskich wczasowiczach w Europie) - Student University College London (1999)

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Europa

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

geogr. Europa
~, Central - Europa Środkowa
~, continental - Europa kontynentalna
~, divided - hist. Europa podzielona
~, East(ern) - Europa Wschodnia
~, mainland - Europa kontynentalna
~, West(ern) - Europa Zachodnia

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe should have their own standard.
Ale małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w Europie powinny mieć swój własny standard.


We must remember the past and the two severe dictatorships that Europe suffered.
Musimy pamiętać naszą przeszłość i dwie srogie dyktatury, które dotknęły Europę.


In Europe, 40-50% of women have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
40-50 % kobiet w Europie doświadczyło molestowania seksualnego w miejscu pracy.


The Galliga Polledo report devotes much attention to the Europe 2020 programme.
W sprawozdaniu pana Garrigi Polledo wiele uwagi skupiono na programie Unia 2020.


"We are seeing a sense of disarray with several voices speaking at the same time," said Clara O'Donnell of the Centre for European Reform. "But even if the EU is keen to help, the Israelis do not consider it reliable enough. There is not much Europe can do until the Americans move."
"Today's miserable and brutal stand-off in the Middle East requires new political initiatives," he writes in the Guardian. "The EU is Israel's biggest trade partner and the largest provider of development assistance to Palestine yet it has been content to play a largely very quiet third fiddle to the US. It is true that the US has the primary external role in the region, and that any peace settlement will require Israel's willing agreement. But none of this justifies the EU's present nervous self-effacement. This policy gives Israel carte blanche. It makes Europe complicit in outrageous and illegal acts." Patten calls for the UN to be tasked with preventing weapons entering Gaza while the EU should take the initiative with Turkey and the Arab League to re-establish a national unity government of Fatah and Hamas for the West Bank and Gaza. Britain says it has no plans to end its ban, backed by the Quartet, on contact with Hamas.
He warns if the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats take "large chunks out of our economy" while Europe is growing slowly, "the inevitable result is that we will bump along the bottom for years, and at worst you could derail the economy, but whatever happens jobs are going to go."
Under the plans, budgetary sinners could see their grants from the EU budget suspended. Until now the talk has been only of freezing cohesion fund payments, but this would disproportionately affect new EU member states in eastern Europe who get most of those handouts. "We need to have a broader conditional use of the EU expenditure, not only the cohesion fund. That would increase the pressure on all countries," said Rehn.
Across Europe other governments, scared by the Greek debt crisis, the repercussions of which imperil the very existence of the euro, have been doing the same, raising the spectre of mass layoffs in public services in the name of European unity.
"We're entering a long period of economic stagnation," said Guy Verhofstadt, the former Belgian prime minister who leads the Liberal caucus in the European parliament. "That will be the main problem for years. Europe is the new Japan."
In this country, also, political leaders have changed tack with extraordinary speed as Gordon Brown has ceded control of policy to the Cameron-Clegg coalition. Before the election on 6 May, Brown regularly taunted Cameron, saying he was the only politician in Europe calling for cuts at this stage of the economic cycle. At his spring conference in March, Nick Clegg declared: "We think that merrily slashing now is an act of economic masochism. If anyone had to rely on our support, and we were involved in government, of course we would say no."
"The wrong message on deficits", thundered an editorial in the New York Times. The piece went on to point out: "The sudden fierce enthusiasm for fiscal austerity, especially among stronger economies, is likely to backfire, condemning Europe to years of stagnation or worse." The New York Times top columnist, Paul Krugman, who has won a Nobel prize for economics, took the same line. He has been a trenchant critic of a rush to austerity, believing that only government stimulus to boost consumer demand will pull the American â?? and global â?? economies out of the mire.
From the US perspective, Lachman says the key is to boost the recovery in the short term with targeted stimulus spending and in the medium term make a commitment to fiscal stability and more balanced budget. "It is basically a balancing act between the medium term and the short term. We have to come up with something to address the issue of restoring medium-term fiscal stability. But if all of Europe embraces austerity now, we could really see Europe having a major recession again," he said.
However, he doubted that Europe would listen. The dynamics of domestic policy, and the need to keep the European Union and the euro together, would dictate policy, not suggestions from the US Treasury. "They just seem to disregard the US position," Lachman said.

Like my mother would ever let me move to Europe.
Jakby moja matka kiedykolwiek pozwoliła mi przenieść sie do Europy.

I thought you would be in good Europe by now.
Witam, szeryfie. -Sądziłem, że od dawna jest pani w Europie.

I can't believe you got to see all of Europe.
Nie mogę uwierzyć, że widziałaś całą Europę.

And a few months later, he asked us to go to Europe with him.
Parę miesięcy potem zaprosił nas na tournee po Europie.

I went straight to work, and all my friends did Europe.
Poszedłem prosto do pracy, a wszyscy moi znajomi pojechali do Europy.

This car, number 10, will be very difficult to find in Europe.
Ten samochód, numer 10, będzie bardzo trudno znaleźć w Europie.

It has killed a king and changed the history of Europe.
Zabiła króla... i zmieniła bieg historii w Europie.

She was in Europe with her husband when it happened.
Była wraz z mężem w Europie, kiedy to się stało.

Is hard to remember now, but Europe was like this in 1944.
Mało kto dziś pamięta, że właśnie tak wyglądała Europa w 1944 roku.

We need a good run in Europe to pay for it.
Musimy się pokazać w Europie, żeby za to zapłacić.

She is our responsibility and will continue with us to Europe.
Jesteśmy za nią odpowiedzialni, więc będzie nam towarzyszyć do Europy.

Anyway, he was off on a big job in Europe.
W każdym razie wyjechał na wielką robotę do Europy.

Europe, and Japan, they believe no one can stand in their way.
Europy i Japonii, ich zdaniem nikt nie może stanąć na ich drodze.

Name any city in Europe and we'd been there, you know?
Kiedy byliśmy młodsi, my... wymień jakieś miasto w Europie, a my tam byliśmy.

What this club has done in Europe is good for the country.
To co ten klub robi w Europie jest dobre dla kraju.

If we knew what he was thinking we'd know where Europe stands.
Gdybyśmy wiedzieli o czym on myśli, to wiedzielibyśmy na czym stoi Europa.

You cannot have more Europe for a lot less money.
Nie można mieć więcej Europy za zdecydowanie mniejsze pieniądze.

In such cases, what sort of united Europe are we talking about?
W takich przypadkach o jakiej zjednoczonej Europie można w ogóle mówić?

The situation in Europe does not seem to be a happy one.
Sytuacja w Europie nie wygląda najlepiej.

We are living in a very important time for Europe.
Żyjemy w bardzo znaczących czasach dla Europy.

We can still change course and Europe does want to make changes.
Nadal możemy zmienić ten kierunek i Europa chce dokonać zmian.

Europe should indeed come up with an action plan now.
Rzeczywiście Europa powinna już teraz stworzyć plan działania.

We want to see a Europe in which more people have work.
Chcemy Europy, w której więcej osób ma pracę.

They will certainly play a key role in Europe's future.
Niewątpliwie to młodzież odgrywać będzie kluczową rolę w budowaniu przyszłości Europy.

We have done quite a lot in Europe up to now.
Jak dotąd udało się nam dość dużo zrobić w Europie.

Family policy in Europe is an issue for the future.
Polityka prorodzinna w Europie jest istotnym zagadnieniem na przyszłość.

The same is also true for the Europe 2020 action programme.
Jest też tak z programem działania "Europa 2020”.

Across Europe many countries, including my own, face difficult economic times.
Wiele krajów Europy - w tym mój - przechodzi przez trudny dla gospodarki okres.

Are 2 500 women every year not a security problem for Europe?
Czyż te 2 500 kobiet rocznie to nie aby problem bezpieczeństwa Europy?

All must now take action, as we are doing in Europe.
Wszyscy muszą teraz podjąć działania, jak to czynimy w Europie.

Fine, but why do they all have to come to Europe?
Doskonale, tylko dlaczego wszyscy muszą przyjeżdżać do Europy?

So let us share out the support for them in Europe.
Udzielmy więc im wspólnie wsparcia w Europie.

When will Europe stop saying one thing and doing another?
Kiedy Europa przestanie mówić jedno, a robić drugie?

What we need is another policy here in Europe too.
Potrzebna jest nam inna polityka również tutaj, w Europie.

So has this trip around Europe been good for you?
Podróż po Europie dobrze ci zrobiła?

And ask every living soul in Europe to pay the price?
I kazać każdej niewinnej osobie w Europie płacić za to cenę?

We think that 2008 should be a great year for social Europe.
Myślimy, że rok 2008 powinien być wspaniałym rokiem Europy społecznej.

So let us make a start with these rules in Europe.
Zacznijmy więc opracowywać te zasady w Europie.

Next year Europe will be united as it has never been before.
W przyszłym roku Europa zjednoczy się jak nigdy dotąd.

I believe Europe also has a job to do there.
Uważam, że Europa ma zadanie do wykonania także w tym zakresie.

Her death is also a loss for Europe and the world.
Jej śmierć jest także stratą dla Europy i dla świata.

These are the things that the future of Europe should be about.
To są problemy, na których powinna się skupiać przyszłość Europy.

Finally, we in Europe care about nature and the environment.
Wreszcie, my w Europie dbamy o przyrodę i środowisko.

Europe is far from complete, we still have so much to do.
Europa jeszcze nie skończyła swojego zadania, mamy nadal tak wiele do zrobienia.

Europe must take action now and cannot wait for the rest of the world.
Europa musi podjąć działania już teraz i nie może czekać na resztę świata.

However, we are still friends, which shows that Europe has a future.
Jednakże, wciąż jesteśmy przyjaciółmi, co wskazuje na to, że Europa ma przyszłość.

The world cannot wait; Europe has to lead the way.
Świat nie może czekać. Europa musi wskazać innym drogę.

Once again, Europe must set an example for the rest of the world.
I znów Europa musi dać przykład reszcie świata.

A strong Europe is more important than ever at this time.
Silna Europa jest teraz ważniejsza niż kiedykolwiek.

As you know, Europe is the leading power in terms of trade.
Jak państwo wiedzą, Europa pod względem handlu jest siłą wiodącą.