Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Etiopia;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Etiopia

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

geogr. Etiopia

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

ECX is the market for Ethiopia's new millennium, which starts in about eight months.
ECX jest rynkiem na nowe milenium Etiopii, które rozpocznie się za około 8 miesięcy.


The army of neighbouring Ethiopia has appointed itself their joint protector.
Armia sąsiadującej z Somalią Etiopii mianował siebie ich wspólnym obrońcą.


And this is not just specific to Ethiopia, but happens over and over, all over Africa.
Nie jest to typowe tylko dla Etiopii, ale dzieje się tak stale w całej Afryce.


I think a great example of this is Ethiopia's new health extension program.
Sądzę, że doskonałym przykładem jest nowy program zdrowia w Etiopii.


The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, Neither shall it be valued with pure gold.
Nie zrówna z nią i szmaragd z ziemi etyjopskiej; ani za złoto najczystsze szacowana być może.

Jesus Army

Some signatories will be richly rewarded for backing the weak agreement. Ethiopia expects to earn nearly $1bn from climate change funds. However, 90 poor countries have refused to associate with it, mostly arguing it will not reduce emissions enough to prevent catastrophic climate change.
She was one of the world's biggest fashion models and the first black face of Est?©e Lauder. But when Liya Kebede returned home to Ethiopia and saw the chronic problems of maternal health her career took a new turn. Her campaign continues â?? and now she has set her sights on sustainable fashion
We speak as she dashes through Manhattan between meetings. Taxis honk and men yell as she quietly talks about her childhood, growing up under "vast blue skies". She describes the "beautiful, raw land", the space. And then the way that New York shook her up, "the way it does everyone". It was when she returned to Ethiopia from the USA, where pregnancy is so celebrated, that she became involved in raising awareness of her home country's maternal health crisis. In Ethiopia a mother dies in childbirth every minute, leaving her baby 10 times less likely to survive past the age of two.
I speak fluent French. But a Belgian journalist I spoke to suggested I make calls to the country's local mayors in English to avoid hostility. Back in Merchtem, De Block was showing his lenient side. "Of course, if an immigrant from Congo or Ethiopia comes into the town hall and speaks in English or French, I take them aside and explain to them in English or French that they have to speak Dutch and tell them where they can go to learn. For the first time that's OK. But then they have to make an effort on their own. We're in Flanders. On municipal property, you must speak Dutch."
The strain of living in these conditions has taken a toll and Haile is clearly struggling to cope with life. Immigration letters in brown envelopes (delivered to the Red Cross and passed on to him) lie strewn in between the clothes. Taken by his parents from Ethiopia to Tanzania as a baby, he came here as a stowaway on a boat in 2000. Several asylum applications have been refused, and he is under instructions to return to Tanzania. But he is not clear whether he would be accepted there, since it is not his original home. He has no capacity to get himself there, and one attempt to deport him forcibly was cancelled at the last moment several years ago, since when he has been left to forage for survival in central Birmingham.
The strain of living in these conditions has taken a toll and Haile is clearly struggling to cope with life. Immigration letters in brown envelopes (delivered to the Red Cross and passed on to him) lie strewn in between the clothes. Taken by his parents from Ethiopia to Tanzania as a baby, he came here as a stowaway on a boat in 2000. Several asylum applications have been refused, and he is under instructions to return to Tanzania. But he is not clear whether he would be accepted there, since it is not his original home. He has no capacity to get himself there, and one attempt to deport him forcibly was cancelled at the last moment several years ago, since when he has been left to forage for survival in central Birmingham.
Opposition by the upstream states to the colonial treaties is not new. Ethiopia was never colonised, and rejected the 1959 bilateral agreement that gave Egypt three-quarters of the Nile's annual flow (55.5bn cubic metres) and Sudan a quarter, even before it was signed. Most of the east African states also refused to recognise it, and earlier Nile treaties agreed by Britain on their behalf, when they became independent in the 1960s.
Ethiopia has begun a hydropower development, opening a dam at Lake Tana, the Blue Nile's source, and is in talks with Egypt and Sudan to build several more dams on the river. The electricity will be shared among the states â?? the mutual benefit envisaged when the Nile Basin Initiative was established. But Ethiopia also plans large irrigation schemes, which it says are essential for food. Tanzania has also talked of tapping Lake Victoria to supply dry villages in its north-west.
Agreements over the Nile's water date back to the late 19th century when Britain, which controlled Egypt and Sudan, signed deals with other colonial powers and with Ethiopia to guarantee the river's unimpeded flow. But, in 1929, a bilateral treaty went further. Egypt, which by then enjoyed nominal independence, and Britain, acting on behalf of Sudan and its other colonies around Lake Victoria, signed an agreement on water rights. It reserved the entire dry season flow of the Nile for Egypt and allowed Cairo to veto any water development project in the Nile basin .
It will show Geldof, then best known as the frontman of the Boomtown Rats, watching Michael Buerk's famous 1984 BBC report about the famine in Ethiopia with Paula Yates, then his wife.

The first stone bridge in Ethiopia from 17th century led us there.
Doprowadził nas do niego pierwszy kamienny most w Etiopii, z 17 wieku.

But in Ethiopia, five pounds could feed a family for a week.
Ale w Etiopii 5 funtów wyżywi rodzinę przez tydzień.

We're opening a clinic in Ethiopia, and my team's over there waiting for me.
Otwieramy klinikę w Etiopi, moja ekipa już na mnie czeka.

We lived in Ethiopia for a month, working at anorphanage.
Mieszkaliśmy w Etiopii przez miesiąc, pracując wsierocińcu.

I think a great example of this is Ethiopia's new healthextension program.
Sądzę, że doskonałym przykładem jest nowy program zdrowia wEtiopii.

Ethiopia occupies a strategic economic and political place in the region.
Etiopia zajmuje strategiczne miejsce gospodarcze i polityczne w regionie.

Ethiopia has suffered a disaster as a result of the drought over the last few years.
W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat Etiopia borykała się z katastrofalnymi skutkami suszy.

The army of neighbouring Ethiopia has appointed itself their joint protector.
Armia sąsiadującej z Somalią Etiopii mianował siebie ich wspólnym obrońcą.

Communication is very important for Ethiopia -- willtransform the country.
Komunikacja jest bardzo ważna dla Etiopii -- ona zmieni tenkraj.

And this was yet another famine in Ethiopia.
To była kolejna klęska głodu w Etiopii.

So what's the next step for Ethiopia?
Więc jaki jest następny krok dla Etiopii?

And I would like it to be Ethiopia.
I chciałbym, by była to Etiopia.

My son has dealt wisely with you, Ethiopia.
Mój syn postąpił z wami roztropnie, Etiopczycy.

I've been to Ethiopia, as I said earlier.
Jak mówiłem wcześniej, byłem w Etiopii.

So, the is an Ethiopian exchange for Ethiopia.
Zatem, to etiopska giełda dla Etiopii.

In Ethiopia, they accused us of being Jews.
W Ethihopii, oni nas oskarzali Ze bylismy zydami.

More than 40 000 hectares have already been acquired in this manner from Ethiopia to Indonesia.
Ponad 40 tysięcy hektarów przejęto w ten sposób: od Etiopii po Indonezję.

The Commission continues to support Ethiopia with its poverty alleviation efforts, where important progress has been registered.
Komisja nadal wspiera Etiopię w jej wysiłkach zmierzających do zmniejszenia ubóstwa, i odnotowano już w tym zakresie istotne postępy.

Ethiopia is an orthodox Christian country.
Etiopia jest krajem ortodoksyjno chrześcijańskim.

We also spoke with Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia and others.
Rozmawialiśmy także z panem Melesem Zenawi z Etiopii oraz z przywódcami z innych państw.

Crew we used in Ethiopia.
Ekipa, którą użyliśmy w Etiopii.

When I was six, from a U.N. doctor at a refugee camp in Ethiopia.
Kiedy miałem 6 lat, od doktora z w obozie dla uchodźców w Etiopii.

Tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea over disputed territory are still likely to flare up at any moment.
Napięcia pomiędzy Etiopią a Erytreą w związku ze spornym terytorium wciąż mogą w każdej chwili rozgorzeć.

Ethiopia has begun its withdrawal from Somalia; this is an important step in the implementation of the Djibouti process.
Etiopia zaczęła wycofywać się z Somalii; jest to istotny postęp w realizacji procesu w Dżibuti.

We all began in the Awash Valley in Ethiopia.
Jak my wszyscy zaczynaliśmy w Dolinie Awash wEtiopii.

They found black Jews in Ethiopia.
Znaleźli czarnych Żydów w Etiopii.

is the market for Ethiopia's new millennium, whichstarts in about eight months.
jest rynkiem na nowe milenium Etiopii, które rozpoczniesię za około 8 miesięcy.

We are talking about direct support for the so-called government in Somalia, which is supported by Ethiopia and the United States.
Mówimy o bezpośrednim wsparciu dla tak zwanego rządu w Somalii, który jest wspierany przez Etiopię i Stany Zjednoczone.

Firstly, let me say a word on Ethiopia/Eritrea.
Po pierwsze, kilka słów na temat Etiopii/Erytrei.

Human rights in Ethiopia (vote)
Prawa człowieka w Etiopii (głosowanie)

Mind you, Ethiopia is a bit...
Chociaż Etiopia jest trochę...

First, there is a dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea, which might be considered as one of the principle causes of instability in the whole region.
Po pierwsze, istnieje konflikt pomiędzy Etiopią a Erytreą, który można uznać za jedną z głównych przyczyn niestabilności w całym regionie.

The internal situation in Eritrea is partly determined by the impasse in the border conflict with Ethiopia.
Wewnętrzną sytuację w Erytrei częściowo determinuje impas w sporze granicznym z Etiopią.

Ethiopia (vote)
Etiopia (głosowanie)

Then a conflict broke out between the Union of Islamic Courts and the army of neighbouring Ethiopia.
Następnie wybuchł konflikt między Unią Trybunałów Islamskich a wojskiem z sąsiedniej Etiopii.

The visit that your delegation made late last year to Eritrea and Ethiopia and also Djibouti was important.
Wizyta złożona przez delegację Izby w ubiegłym roku w Erytrei, Etiopii oraz Dżibuti była ważna.

That is why Ethiopia must rescind the proclamation on the registration and regularisation of civil organisations and charitable institutions.
Dlatego Etiopia musi unieważnić proklamację w sprawie rejestracji i regulacji organizacji charytatywnych i stowarzyszeń.

Sweden therefore emits 60 times more, and the EU 100 times more, than Ethiopia, to take just one specific example.
Szwecja emituje zatem 60 razy więcej, a UE 100 razy więcej niż Etiopia, aby podać tylko jeden szczególny przypadek.

Ethiopia's losses alone, which result from the fact that it is not possible to export flowers to Europe, amount to EUR 3 million a day.
Tylko straty Etiopii, wynikające z braku możliwości eksportu kwiatów do Europy, wynoszą 3 miliony euro dziennie.

He's been in Ethiopia, Chile, Uruguay.
Był w Etiopii, Chile, Urugwaju.

Ethiopia, Spain, China.
Etiopia, Hiszpania, Chiny.

Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti must co-operate if they want to overcome the current stalemate.
Etiopia, Erytrea, Somalia i Dżibuti muszą współpracować, jeśli chcą pokonać obecną patową sytuację.

The border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia is totally absurd, as also is the involvement of more than 200 000 soldiers in this dispute.
Spór graniczny pomiędzy Erytreą a Etiopią jest całkowicie absurdalny, podobnie jak zaangażowanie w niego ponad 200 tysięcy żołnierzy.

His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, arrived.
Jego Wysokość Haile Selassie l, Cesarz Etiopii, właśnie przybył.

Sadly, we have precedents, notably in Ethiopia where the President also used force to get himself into office, despite the evidence of fraud followed by much repressive violence.
Niestety, istnieją precedensy, szczególnie w przypadku Etiopii, gdzie prezydent użył siły do objęcia urzędu, mimo dowodów oszustwa, po którym nastąpiły represje i akty przemocy.

We have put in place a cooperation platform in Ethiopia, on the initiative of the United Kingdom, and we are planning another for South Africa.
Z inicjatywy Wielkiej Brytanii uruchomiliśmy taką platformę w Etiopii i zamierzamy stworzyć podobną w Republice Południowej Afryki.

There is no transition to democracy in Ethiopia, Commissioner, and I would be grateful if you would tell this to your colleague Louis Michel.
W Etiopii nie mamy do czynienia z żadnym przejściem do demokracji, pani komisarz, i byłabym wdzięczna, gdyby przekazała pani te słowa swemu koledze, panu komisarzowi Louisowi Michelowi.

Secondly, we have documented instances of companies from EU states supplying arms to China, Colombia, Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Po drugie, mamy udokumentowane przypadki firm z UE dostarczających broni do Chin, Kolumbii, Etiopii i Erytrei.

Regarding political crisis situations, for example, our urgent debates have allowed an in-depth constructive dialogue free from taboo on issues such as Haiti, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia.
W odniesieniu do kryzysów politycznych nasze pilne debaty pozwoliły na stworzenie dogłębnego, konstruktywnego dialogu bez ograniczeń przedmiotowych w kwestiach takich, jak Haiti, Zimbabwe czy Etiopia.

As regards poverty, according to the figures given to our delegation, the Government of Ethiopia has acknowledged that six and a half million people are already affected by famine.
Co do ubóstwa, zgodnie z danymi przekazanymi naszej delegacji przez etiopski rząd- który potwierdził ich prawdziwość - głód dotyka już 6,5 miliona osób.