Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) powszechność, uniwersalność, liberalizm, tolerancyjność, otwartość;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n U katolicyzm

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

When Motion's book was finished, Monica was enthusiastic. So, too, was Maeve. "Maeve hadn't let me read any of Larkin's letters to her, and that was a defect of the book. Then she read my manuscript, and she said: 'Is it too late? Come and see me, and I'll tell you everything.' In a dark part of my mind, I wondered whether, when they finally went to bed [Maeve's Catholicism meant that, for ages, she would not sleep with Larkin] that was an end of it. I think it probably was. On Philip's part, you see, there was this intensely romantic glamorisation of delay and yearning." His voice is very warm now. "He was a tremendously yearning person."
Had the amendment been passed, it might have minimised the numbers of clergy converting to Roman Catholicism under an initiative launched by the Vatican last year. A meeting was held in Leicester for those Church of England clergy interested in taking up the Catholic offer.
An atheist for decades, Rice returned to her childhood faith of Catholicism in 1998. The author of a series of bestselling books about the vampire Lestat â?? brought to the screen by Tom Cruise in the film Interview with the Vampire â?? her conversion caused consternation among her old fans, while Christians questioned the morality of her vampire books.
There had been a big controversy over The Exorcist in Ireland so it came to my town, Newry, a few years after it was released. I was about 16. There was a great clamouring to see it among my friends. It had religion, defilement, possession, the devil â?? for a boy who had been brought up in a very strict religious school during the Troubles it had a tremendous appeal. Even though I had all those real scares going on around me, with the violence and the bombing, I wanted to be scared at that deep, psychological level â?? things we can't explain. We sneaked in to see it, me and my very big friend Malachi. It was scary as hell, I think it traumatised me for weeks. Catholicism is so colourful, so theatrical, it can blow your mind, and that film addressed all those things for me at some clawing needy adolescent level. I've long been fascinated by the idea of possession, whether it's by the devil, or alcoholism or black-outs in the brain so The Exorcist may well have sowed some seeds that took root in me.
That world has gone. The anchors have dissolved or are dissolving. There is neither a monetary nor religious anchor. The pound floats; Catholicism is mired in the horrifying sexual antics of its priests; CEOs pay themselves salaries without limits. The great visions of how one might associate with others â?? in an Empire, a Commonwealth, a socialist economy, a commune, a religious community, a trade union or even a company â?? have become implausible. We are individualists in a not very sovereign nation state being buffeted around by economic forces beyond our control. We madly find meaning in cults and celebrity, overinvesting in family as the last redoubt of meaning, while reconciling ourselves to fewer public services and cynical companies even while the country is very much richer.
He brushed aside the controversies that have preceded his arrival, saying that he had also faced anti-clericalism and anti-Catholicism on his visits to France and the Czech Republic where he had also had a "warm welcome" from the Catholic community.
Natalia Contiroz, from Chelsea who will be attending the mass in Hyde Park on Saturday, said: "I'm sure that the country will see that Catholicism is not as bad as it is sometimes made out to be - God is good and full of love."
10.06am: Cherie Booth, the wife of Tony Blair, has defended the pope's visit and the role of Catholicism in the UK.
Originally an evangelical Oxford academic and priest in the Church of England, Newman was a leader in the Oxford Movement. This influential grouping of Anglicans wished to return the Church of England to many Catholic beliefs and forms of worship. He eventually converted to Roman Catholicism (1845) and rose to become a cardinal.
Pontiff signs off with vow to learn lessons of abuse scandal, amid talk of 'Benedict bounce' for Catholicism in UK

Why do you think that you would like to convert to Catholicism?
Dlaczego sądzisz, że chciałbyś przejść na katolicyzm?

You know, Lee, there's a long history of this in Catholicism.
Wiesz Lee.. To ma długą historię w katolicyzmie.

He wants to know the relationship between Catholicism and Marxism.
On chce znać związki między katolicyzmem a marksizmem.

Polish Catholicism has never done anything to harm the Jewish people.
Polski katolicyzm nigdy nie szkodził społeczności żydowskiej.

They would hang people up by their thumbs ifthey didn't take on Catholicism.
Jak ktoś nie chciał przejść na katolicyzm to go wieszali za kciuki.

I know Catholicism and the Native American one where you take peyote.
Znam się na katolicyźmie i wiem to, że rdzenni Amerykanie brali peyote.

Catholicism and Judaism are not that different.
Katolicyzm i judaizm aż tak się nie różnią.

I have enough trouble with Catholicism.
Mam dostateczny problem z katolicyzmem.

McDonald's has served a few more than Catholicism has.
McDonald's ma o wiele więcej do zaoferowania niż katolicyzm.

It's a living proof that the Irish Catholicism works and the living method doesn't.
To żywy dowód na to, że irlandzki katolicyzm działa, a teorie życiowe nie.

Catholicism is perfect for a kid with
Katolicyzm jest wspaniały dla dzieci z

Your only salvation is to renounce Catholicism.
Twoim jedynym ratunkiem jest porzucić Katolicyzm.

Ladies and gentlemen, the driving force behind Catholicism Cardinal Glick.
Panie i panowie, siła napędowa katolicyzmu, kardynał Glick.

So, she's attracted to the Catholicism.
Więc, pociąga ją Katolicyzm .

Nobody said we don't believe. We don't believe in Catholicism.
Nikt nie powiedział ze nie wierzymy, My poprostu nie wierzymy w niewierność?

They want a Catholic, I'il convert to Catholicism.
Chcą katolika, nawracam się na katolicyzm.

One country, one Roman Catholicism.
Jeden kraj, jeden katolicki kościół.

And many for Catholicism. And many for Islam.
I wielu za Katolicyzm. I wielu za Islam.

Look, I know what you want, but I'm not gonna force Catholicism on Sam
Słuchaj, wiem co chcesz, ale nie zmuszę Sam do bycia Chrześcijaninem

Ettore, accused of associating with armed groups,.. ..converted to Catholicism.
Ettore, oskarżony o powiązania ze zbrojnymi grupami,... ...nawrócił się na katolicyzm.

The Divine Comedy, The History of Catholicism.
Boska komedia. Historia katolicyzmu.

Once we convert to Catholicism... ...Everything will be fine?
Może jak przyjmę wiarę katolicką... ... wszystko się zmieni?

Roman gable, Roman Catholicism, Colonel Sanders,
Rzymskie szczyty, rzymsko-katolicyzm, pułkownik Sanders,

And the religions that are really looked at askance are Buddhism, Catholicism, Deism, Islam and Protestant Christianity.
Przy czym religie, które są naprawdę nieprzychylnie traktowane, to buddyzm, katolicyzm, deizm, islam i protestantyzm.