Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Ameryka; Stany Zjednoczone;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Słownik finansowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

amerykański American Accounting Association Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Rachunkowości American Depository Receipt (ADR) amerykański kwit depozytowy American Depository Share (ADS) amerykańskie udziały depozytowe American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Amerykański Instytut Dyplomowanych Biegłych Księgowych American options opcje amerykańskieAmerican window amerykańska witryna

Słownik prawniczo-handlowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

adj. amerykański American Accounting Association (AAA) Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Rachunkowości American Depository Receipt (ADR) amerykański kwit depozytowy American Depository Share (ADS) amerykańskie udziały depozytowe American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Amerykański Instytut Dyplomowanych Biegłych Księgowych American Standard Code for Information Exchange ASCII comp.ASCII (Standardowy Amerykańdski Kod Wymiany Informacji)

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Ameryka

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

geogr. Ameryka
~, Central - Ameryka Środkowa
~, Latin - Ameryka łacińska
~, North - Ameryka Północna
~, South - Ameryka Południowa

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

From a business perspective, Sao Paolo is the financial capital of South America.
Z punktu widzenia biznesu Sao Paulo jest finansową stolicą Ameryki Południowej.


We had a team of fellows in Boston last year through the Code for America program.
W zeszłym roku wysłaliśmy do Bostonu jeden z naszych zespołów Code for America.


America's anti-missile defence system would increase the risk of nuclear war.
Amerykański system obrony przeciwrakietowej zwiększyłby ryzyko wojny jądrowej.


A week ago, the largest mass grave in Latin America was discovered in Colombia.
Tydzień temu w Kolumbii został odkryty największy masowy grób w Ameryce Łacińskiej.


Many of us have criticised America in the past for its failure to work with others.
Wielu z nas w przeszłości krytykowało Amerykę za nieumiejętność pracy z innymi.


The fact that the 168 deaths at Oklahoma were the result of Americans killing Americans in the name of America has made the incident in some ways harder for the nation to process than 9/11 and the less complicated enemy, al-Qaida. "It made a terrible difference that this was homegrown terrorism," says Almon-Kok. "It left you with nothing to trust or believe in, apart from my faith that this city did everything it could in the aftermath, and that we have a legal system which, for the most part, works. But that doesn't answer why fellow Americans wanted to come killing our kids."
"One purpose of this memorial," says Kari Watkins, "is to teach the impact of violence. On Easter Monday, our biggest effort this year becomes law, against considerable opposition: that the story of the bomb be entered into the school curriculum for the state of Oklahoma. We need to teach this story, especially right now, when in America there are a lot of the same movements that were around in 1995, there's a similar mood, a polarisation. Look, no one wants the government on their backs â?? who does? - but all this alarms me, and we must work against it by teaching the consequences of violence against the language of violence."
I can't quite tell, in retrospect, whether Williams would appreciate the comparison, but meeting her is like meeting Kristin Scott Thomas â?? not the actress, but, possibly even better, the Four Weddings character made real: suave, charming, wryly self-knowing, not above the odd cut-glass four-letter word. She has just flown in from Los Angeles, where she has her other, non-London, home, to begin promoting The Ghost, Roman Polanski's take on the Robert Harris bestseller, which is called The Ghost Writer in America so they don't confuse it with someone getting fruity over wobbly pottery. No, this is the one about a recent British ex-PM for whom the hand of history has turned into a claw of recriminations, over war crimes and misdemeanours, now holed up in Martha's Vineyard with his wife, his mistress, his memories and a hapless everyman of a ghost-writer, winningly played by Ewan McGregor.
My personal journey to the iPad began around 16 years ago in Aspen, Colorado. Rumours of what the internet was capable of doing to the news business had reached London, and the only way of checking them out was to fly to America and find out.
In the art deco cathedral home of the Chicago Tribune we watched in awe as a journalist summoned up rudimentary pictures and text on a flickering screen. At the time there were about 20 American newspapers online. Some (including the Boston Globe) had decided on an open internet route â?? available to everyone via early browsers like Netscape or Mosaic. The Tribune had gone down the proprietary route, forming a partnership with America Online (now AOL). You paid a subscription (around $9, or Â?6, a month plus $3.50 per hour for additional usage), in return for which the Tribune sent you a CD in a box to boot it up. They had 29,000 subscribers.
She has set her sights on leaving permanently. "I want to study in America. I love America â?? it's a wonderful country and culture." English and business studies would be her preferred subjects. "I'd like to have my own business, but it cannot succeed here so I need to go abroad." More than 80% of Gaza's businesses have collapsed in the past three years as a result of the siege.
Sunderland had activated an emergency beacon which started a huge search and rescue operation involving Australia, America and France. Numerous ships became involved in the hunt, as well as a chartered jet which spotted the teenager late on Thursday. Sunderland was able to radio the plane and say report that was fit and had food and water supplies.
He has a radio show that is the toast of conservative America and his extremist rants accusing President Barack Obama of being anti-white and a closet socialist have made him a star on Fox News. His speaking tours sell out like a rock star's and his published political diatribes are bestsellers.
Now Glenn Beck, loved by the right and loathed by the left, is promoting his anti-government conspiracy theories in a most unexpected branch of the arts: the novel. This week will see the publication of The Overton Window, Beck's near-future thriller that reads like a Tea Party activist's dark fantasy of brave patriots fighting for America against their own freedom-squashing government.
The protagonist and hero is Noah Gardner, a public relations executive who falls in love with a woman called Molly Ross. She gradually convinces him of the existence of a great threat to America which, as every Tea Party activist will instantly guess, has its source in the government. "An unprecedented attack on US soil shakes the country to the core and puts into motion a frightening plan, decades in the making, to transform America and demonise all those who stand in the way," reads the publisher's blurb. According to Beck himself, the book will feature a heroic citizens' group called the Founders Keepers, whose name sounds a lot like the Oath Keepers, a real-life conservative group of police officers and soldiers founded last year who believe their own government is a growing threat to freedom.

Do you know why your mother is working in America?
Już wiesz dlaczego twoja mama pracuje w Ameryce?

I have one of those with every woman in America.
Mam taką z każdą kobietą w Ameryce.

So go to America if your own country isn't good enough!
To jedź do Ameryki skoro ojczyzna nie jest dla ciebie dość dobra.

Just think, an old man like me going to America.
Tylko pomyślcie, taki starzec jak ja wyruszający do Ameryki.

I was here with you even when he went away to America.
Byłem z tobą nawet wtedy, kiedy on wyjechał do Ameryki.

Why did you not ask her if she had been to America?
Dlaczego nie spytałeś jej czy była w Ameryce?

When was the last time you were in America, by the way?
Kiedy, swoją drogą, byliście ostatni raz w Ameryce?

Go back to bed America, you government is in control again.
Wracaj do łóżka Ameryko, twój rząd znów ma wszystko pod kontrolą!

Right on the other side of that wall is America?
A po drugiej stronie jest Ameryka?

And said that he would help you start over in America.
I powiedział, że pomoże ci zacząć w Ameryce. Tak!

And that's why women all over america stand behind you!
I właśnie dlatego kobiety z całej Ameryki są za wami!

If she wants to study further, let her do it in America.
Jak chce się dalej uczyć, to niech to robi w Ameryce.

We are going to America to find a real doctor.
Jestem uzdrowicielką. Jedziemy do Ameryki, aby znaleźć prawdziwego lekarza.

People come from all over america to sleep right here.
Ludzie z całej ameryki przyjeżdżają tu spać.

I've had no peace of mind since we lost America.
Nie mam spokojnej głowy od kiedy straciliśmy Amerykę.

It's hard growing up in America as a black man.
Tak trudno jest dorastać w Ameryce jako czarny mężczyzna.

And my heart is telling me to go to America.
A moje serce każe mi jechać do Ameryki.

Two weeks back my father went to America on conference work.
Dwa tygodnie temu, mój ojciec wyjechał do Stanów Zjednoczonych na konferencję.

She has a theory about the black man in America.
Ma ona swoją teorię na temat czarnoskórych Amerykanów.

And now, of course, she wants to go to America without him.
Ona chce jechać do Ameryki, bez niego.

Because this is America, we can do something about them!
Ponieważ to jest Ameryka, możemy coś z nimi zrobić!

The family that brought her to America died in a house fire.
Rodzina, która sprowadziła ją do Stanów zginęła w pożarze domu.

Your mother was saying that you wanted to go back to America.
Twoja matka powiedziała, że chcesz wrócić do Ameryki.

America. Where any man can make quick money with no questions asked.
Ameryka: gdzie każdy może szybko zarobić, bez zbędnych pytań.

To the cars, the house of the dead is America.
Ameryka jest domem śmierci dla samochodów.

I want to go back to America, where people get married without thinking.
Ja wracam do Ameryki gdzie ludzie się pobierają bez myślenia

When you think about it, has America changed so much?
Kiedy się nad tym zastanowić, to czy Ameryka aż tak bardzo się zmieniła?

I don't like that it came all the way from America.
Nie podoba mi się, że to przyszło aż z Ameryki.

He said you want to go back to America immediately?
Powiedział, że chcesz natychmiast wracać do Ameryki?

He was raised in America, and his mother doesn't mind.
Wychowuje się w Ameryce, a jego matce to nie przeszkadza. Jego matce?

America's a tough place to think you can fight the system.
Ameryka to ciężkie miejsce, by można walczyć z systemem.

Well America and the world are still waiting for that evidence.
Cóż, Ameryka i Świat wciąż czekają na te dowody.

If America goes to war, turn to and the experts.
Gdy Ameryka idzie na wojnę, zwróć się do i ekspertów.

I'm sure you don't have anything like this in America.
Jestem pewna, że nie ma czegoś takiego w Ameryce. Emilka!

Each will be led by a man who has actually lived in America.
Na czele każdej będzie stał żołnierz, który mieszkał w Ameryce.

The number one cause of death in America: heart disease.
Numer jeden przyczyn śmierci w Ameryce: choroby serca.

I guess he has decided to send me to America.
Pewnie zdecydował, że wyśle mnie z powrotem do

I came to America to build a life in this world, not the next.
Przybyłem do Ameryki, by budować życie w tym świecie, nie następnym.

So you've had no contact with your mother since she moved to America?
Więc nie masz kontaktu z matką odkąd wyjechała do Ameryki?

America needs the old version because you're the only ones in space.
Amyerka potrzebuje starszej wersji ponieważ jesteście jedyni w kosmosie

And the world has to know clearly where America stands.
A świat musi dokładnie wiedzieć gdzie leży Ameryka.

But for me, it's about America starting its day together.
Dla mnie chodzi o Amerykę zaczynającą razem dzień.

There's a man arrived here on his way to America.
Jest człowiek, który przyjechał do Casablanki w drodze do Ameryki.

There is such a thing in America as personal responsibility.
Jest taka rzecz zwana odpowiedzialnością za siebie.

You can look on it as an investment in America.
Możesz uznać to za inwestycję w Amerykę.

The policies of our government are not popular here in America.
Polityka naszego rządu nie jest zbyt popularna w Ameryce.

I think it was wrong to send him to America.
Sądzę, ze pomyłką było wysłanie go do Ameryki.

It was a war that changed America, and the world.
Tamta wojna zmieniła Amerykę i cały świat.

All over America, people have come together to join hands.
W całej Ameryce, ludzie łączą się razem, trzymając się za ręce.

And now she knows more about football than most girls in America.
A teraz wie więcej o footballu niż większość dziewczyn w Ameryce.