Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Alfred

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The Alfred P Murrah building in Oklahoma City was bombed at 9.01 in the morning, as a normal working day on the Great Plains was getting under way â?? not by Islamic fundamentalists plotting in Afghan caves, but by a paramilitary unit of Americans who called themselves "patriots", led by a former serviceman and 1991 Gulf war veteran, Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh was executed in 2001, and his principal accomplice, Terry Nichols, is serving life.
For anyone interested in the kings and queens of England it was a touching moment last year to see the heavy tomb cover lifted in Magdeburg Cathedral. The inscription said the occupant was Eadgyth, queen of the Germans, the Anglo-Saxon granddaughter of Alfred the Great, sister of Athelstan the first king of a united England. But was it really her? Now the results of the scientific examination are through: isotopes from her tooth enamel confirm that this early medieval woman, a regular horse rider who died in her mid-30s, had indeed spent her first years in southern England. It is her, after all.
There are an estimated 20,000 travelling England fans in South Africa, but thousands more expats and locals who support Premier League teams have swelled the numbers. The carnival atmosphere of the previous day on Cape Town's Victoria & Alfred Waterfront and in the bars and restaurants of Long Street was replaced by downbeat introspection.
With the same zeal with which he got there in the first place, Mohammad is now throwing himself into undergraduate life. "Studying a subject I absolutely love at Cambridge is still quite surreal," he says. But he loves the place and says "the most fantastic people in my life I have met at Cambridge". He has become an ambassador for the university, encouraging pupils from state schools to apply. He has also taken up rowing from scratch (progressing from novice crew to men's second division). He loves reciting poetry (he has TS Eliot's "The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock" off by heart). And Persian poets continue to be a solace to him. I ask him to recite a line that helped him through his life and he does â?? beautifully. It is by Hafiz, his father's favourite poet, and he translates it: A message has arrived to say that the days of sorrow will not last./What happened in the past did not last for ever./And nor will what is in the present last for ever either.
A simple idea, but still a daunting task, particularly as a lack of funding meant that Malek and his handful of staff had to carry out the entire project in their spare time. Carter recorded his finds on more than 3,500 densely written cards, with additional notes by Carter's chemist and conservator Alfred Lucas, and more than 1,000 images taken by his photographer Harry Burton. There are also around 60 maps and plans of the excavation site, plus hundreds of fragile pages from Carter's journals and diaries.
The songs may date from the 1920s, but barbershop remains as cut-throat as ever. Alfred Hickling joins the former national champions as they battle it out at the UK finals
Actors Nicolas Cage, Jay Baruchel and Alfred Molina and director Jon Turtletaub reveal how working on a film version of Goethe's poem unleashed their magical side
There were similar sentiments in the Gulf. Alfred Sunseri, whose family-owned oyster company faces ruin after the spill, said: "When BP shows me a report of how exactly they will deal with those people most impacted by this tragedy â?? ie those in the fisheries-related businesses â?? I'll believe they are not just using their talents in public relations to dispel their liability."
"He was an absolutely delicious man: mischievous, with an incredible intelligence of which he only let certain sides come through," said Serge Toubiana, director of the French Cin?©math?¨que in Paris, who drew particular attention to the years in which Chabrol released The Butcher, a thriller that Alfred Hitchcock said he wished he had made, and 1969's The Unfaithful Wife.
Call it the ongoing drip-down effect of The Royle Family if you like â?? although it's more likely a knock-on effect of budget restrictions â?? but lately, the BBC has been crawling with low-key single-set sitcoms. Simon Amstell's Grandma's House let its surreal, borderline-fictional personality crisis play out in a single house. Dawn French and Alfred Molina's charming enough Roger and Val Have Just Got In was a super-close-up of a single marriage. Rev did manage to venture outside, but didn't exactly scream "big budget action adventure".

Alfred. This is about to be the greatest moment in your life.
Alfred, to będzie najważniejszy moment w twoim życiu.

Alfred, which of these two fabrics do you like best?
Alfredzie, który z dwóch podoba ci się najbardziej?

Alfred, Rachel died knowing that we had decided to be together.
Alfredzie, Rachel zginęła wiedząc, że zdecydowaliśmy się być razem.

What else has he found wrong with you, Alfred?
Tak. Co jeszcze złego w tobie znalazł, Alfred?

I must find Alfred and tell him where to look for the spice stall.
Poszukam Alfreda i powiem mu, gdzie szukać straganów z przyprawami.

Remember how little Alfred finally got what he wanted for Christmas?
Pamiętacie gdy mały Alfred w końcu dostał co chciał na Święta?

Should I just bury the past out there with my parents, Alfred?
Powinienem po prostu pogrzebać mą przeszłość, razem z rodzicami, Alfredzie?

I have to translate this - Alfred will want to see you
Alfred chce się z tobą widzieć.

Alfred, I won't be needing the car any more.
Alfredzie, samochód nie będzie mi już potrzebny.

This breakfast is better than anything Alfred could prepare.
To śniadanie jest lepsze niż cokolwiek, co Alfred mógłby przygotować.

Alfred still keeps the condensed milk on the top shelf.
Alfred wciąż trzyma słodkie mleko na górnej półce.

What made Alfred think he could do one?
Czemu Alfred myślał, że umie?

She was going to wait for me, Alfred.
Ona miała zamiar na mnie czekać, Alfredzie.

Lawrence, Alfred engineered that 5 so it can violate the three laws.
Alfred zaprojektował tego tak żeby ten mógł złamać Trzy Prawa.

I will not have Jack and Alfred working together.
Jack i Alfred nie mogą pracować razem.

First, Alfred's gonna take care of some business for me back home.
Najpierw Alfred załatwi dla mnie pewną sprawę w domu.

Despite my affection for Alfred, I haven't been completely honest with him.
Pomimo mojej miłości do Alfreda, nie byłam z nim całkowicie szczera.

Toward the end of his life, Alfred was becoming... increasingly disturbed.
Pod koniec życia Alfred stawał się... coraz bardziej niezrównoważony.

Tristan and Alfred watch over me so carefully. I may never get the opportunity.
Moi bracia pilnują mnie bardzo, więc może nie będę miał okazji.

Alfred, he looked at mein the shower and he wouldn't leave.
Alfred podglądał mnie pod prysznicem i nie chciał odejść.

Mr. Alfred, you're one of the first people here.
Panie Alfred, jest pan jednym z pierwszych gości.

Alfred, if this is another one of your tricks, you know, I'm not really...
Alfred, jeśli to kolejny twój dowcip, to nie ręczę...

Alfred wrote her many letters, but Tristan refused to speak of her.
Alfred pisał do niej wiele listów, Tristan się do niej nie odzywał.

She's probably got a date with Alfred afterward.
A najpewniej to ma randkę z Alfredem.

You told Alfred you could have his baby.
Powiedziałaś Alfredowi, że możesz mieć z nim dzieci?

Alfred, please, I have nowhere else to go!
Alfredzie, proszę, nie mam dokąd pójść!

I need to see if that birthmark really looks like Alfred Hitchcock.
Muszę się przekonać, czy twoje znamię naprawdę wygląda jak Alfred Hitchcock.

I know Alfred thinks of you often.
Alfred często o tobie myśli.

Why do you give a damn, Alfred?
A co ci do tego, Alfredzie?

Jack and Alfred are not really brothers.
Jack i Alfred nie są prawdziwymi braćmi.

He was not some old guy. Alfred Lanning was everything here.
To nie był jakiś staruszek. Alfred Lanning był dla nas wszystkim.

I'm being ridiculous, because Alfred's a real pro.
Jestem śmieszny, bo Alfred to zawodowiec.

Someone who knows Alfred Borden and his repertoire of exotic knots.
Ktoś, kto zna Alfreda Bordena i jego egzotyczne węzły.

But Alfred, Steiner is a young man full of temperament...
Ależ Alfredzie, Steiner jest młodym człowiekiem pełnym werwy...

But Alfred is kind to me.
Ale Alfred jest dla mnie miły.

Alfred will be a wonderful father.
Alfred będzie wspaniałym ojcem.

You lost your husband Alfred, right?
Straciłaś męża, Alfred, prawda?

Alfred Pierre, one for the road?
Alfredzie Pierre, po jednym na drogę?

This is someone entirely new, Alfred.
To jest zupełnie ktoś nowy Alfredzie.

Alfred and Miss Susannah... were married several years ago.
Alfred i panna Susannah pobrali się kilka lat temu.

Alfred will bring it back.
Alfred je przywiezie.

Alfred will open the door.
Alfred otworzy drzwi.

Alfred Brunton's our man, just what I said.
Naszym podejrzanym jest Alfred Brunton, jak powiedziałem.

Actually, Alfred is my family.
Właściwie to Alfred jest moją rodziną.

Alfred wouldn't want that, would he?
Alfred nie chciałby tego, prawda?

Alfred has agreed to marry me.
Alfred zgodził się ze mną ożenić.

It's kinda like you're the Alfred to my evil Bruce Wayne.
Jesteś tak jak Alfred dla mojego złego Bruce Wayna.

Alfred's by the telly, as usual.
Alfred jak zwykle ślęczy przed telewizorem.

Alfred doesn't want some anonymous donor.
Alfred nie chce anonimowej dawczyni.

Alfred, get them ready to go
Alfred, przyszykujcie go do akcji.